Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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-ww 41 1 ci Page 14 SUNDAY HERALD-LEADER Sunday Morning December 13 1953 I Rams Strike Early To Topple Packers In Finale 33-17 Blocked Field Goal Helps Los Angeles Cop Eighth Victoiy Golden Gloves Tourney Late January Pairings Made For Owensboro Meet OWENSBORO Ky Dec 12 (ff) Maryland and Arizona State of TOmpe will open action in the first annual Kentucky All-American City basketball tournament here Dec 30 They will clash at 7:30 pm (CST) the first night and will be followed at 9:30 pm by Tennessee against Evansville (Ind) College On the second night St Francis of Brooklyn will play South Carolina at 7:30 pm and Kentucky Wesleyan Hhe host team will meet Denver Second-round action in the double-elimination tourney is scheduled for Friday Jan 1 at 1:30 pm the third round for Friday night starting at 7:30 o'clock and the windup for Saturday afternoon and night The tournament will be played in big Sportscenter which seats 7200 persons By Bob Adair Sidelining Johnson's Ankle Sprained As Purples Eye Buffaloes Return Tag' Tussle Set At Auditorium Thursday COTTON1 BOWL QUEEN Pretty Barber Tatum 19 Alabama aophom*ore from Atlanta Ga amllea at Halfback Bill Oliver after learning the waa choaen Cotton Bowl Sweetheart by the University A Club Sho and Oliver are engaged Alabama meets Blco In the New Day bowl game (Associated Praia Wlrephoto) 4 Giel Edges Out Lattner For Back-Of-Year ag the team of Buddy (Nature Rogers and the Great Scott against the masked tandem of Durango and the Dark Secret will feature the weekly Lexington Athletic Club wrestling program Thursday night at Woodland Auditorium The match was arrange! Dec 3 Immediately after a battle involving the same four heavyweights resulted in "no contest" ruling by Referee Ellis Joseph Rogers and Scott Infuriated by the ruling -demanded that Promoter Red Fassas hold up the masked purse It finally was decided that he should hold psy until the return contest when the entire purse for both matches would be at staks on a winner-take-all basis The contract written and A return tag match plttln signed in the ring with the spectators as also calls for a different referee Scott and Rogers protested that their team actually had captured the decisive fall but that Joseph failed to see it because he had been knocked from the ring by an aWry flying tackle Fassas after the match proclaimed Scott a native 'of St An-idrews Scotland and Rogers arch villain from Camden "the greatest tag team without a doubt that I have ever seen" And he added that Durango and the Dark Secret a pair of hooded giants ed for 578 per cent of a total of 1838 yards the total-offense statistics -with 1339 yards on 291 offensive plays Set For Central State Group To Conduct Classic In Woodland Arena By Bob Adair Urging prospective entrants to begin training immediately the Central Kentucky Amateur Boxing Association yesterday announced plans for its 1954 Golden Gloves tournament to be conducted at Woodland Auditorium late next month Frank (Zeke) Dexter association president said that specific dates for the annual fistic competition had not yet been determined but would be announced in the near future Plans call for the tournament to be conducted in customary manner with elasses available in the usual three divl slons Open Novice and Negro prizes including expenses- Said trips to the Adair tate Golden Gloves tournament at Louisville to be awarded the champions Dates for the Louisville meet co-sponsored by the recreation department and Radio Station WINN of that city have been set for Feb 4 and 5 Winners there will advance to the annual National Tournament of Champions at the Chicago Stadium In late February and early March The Central Kentucky Amateur Boxing Association was formed last yesr for the specific purpose of continuing Golden 1 Gloves In Lexington where the amateur charity event was Inaugurated and conducted for several years by The Lexington Herald-Leader and In 1951 and 52 by Blue Grass Ledge No 4 Fraternal Order of Felice Dexter now resident manager and club professional of the golf course at Fort Mitchell has long been associated with the Central Kentucky tournament as boxer matchmaker instructor and promoter A one-time Southern Golden Gloves middleweight champion ho is a former city juvenile officer and youth director for the FOP Other members of the association board also are experienced in box ing and boxing instruction and most of them customarily serve as instructors for tournament entrants In addition to Dexter officer are Frank Rose vice president Frank Robinson second vice president Jerry Schwartz secretary and treasurer and James Varney Dick Burton and Edwin Perkins directors Rose Is athletic director at Kentucky Village which always provides a large number of entrants and Varney is a member of the athletic department staff at the Veterans Administration hospital here Dexter who plans to set up headquarters for the tournament here soon said that the association (CiIImcI Fit 1 9s Mim 4) The undefeated University High Purples have plenty of cause to worry over Tuesday game with the Garth High Buffaloes at Georgetown Phil (Big Red) Johnson their ace senior center suffered a sprained ankle Thursday night when his 25 points paced Coach King Richeson outfit to a 72-51 victory over the Berea Pirates The 6-5 Johnson wnose nickname is derived from that of his dad Bert (Man War) Johnson one-time backfleld star on the Kentucky football team as well as a Wildcat eager has been big gun and top rebounder for several seasons Although Johnson was able to limp through practice ses-tn: sion Richeson fears that he may' not be up to par against the Buffs To make matters worse 8-1 Jim Harris another Purple front-liner still shaken off the effects Of his recent battle with tonsilitis You seldom hear of three officials working the same basket-hall game but what happened at MUlersbuix the ether night when the MMI Cadets played Nlcholasvllla Rsisor Jack Durkin and Wilbur Schu all showed up In striped shirts with the understanding that their schedules called for them to be there so It was agreed to let all three call the game So far there have been no complaints that'the game was "over-officiated" Just the opposite was the and not speaking now of brilliant Billy Case of Bourbon when Henry Clay went over to Bourbon Vocational for the double-header that included a preliminary Friday night Only three officials were on hand so Duke Coleman did double duty by calling both games Coleman incidentally surprised everybody including the players of both teams by calling a technical foul on amiable Walter Hill assistant Henry Clay coach during the preliminary Coleman apparently overheard the soft-spoken Hill make some remark about the officiating but Hill said afterward that his comment had concerned tha other official not Coleman Hill remarked that he probably never again would make such a timely substitution as the one he wt By Bob Myers LOS ANGELES Dec 12 (AP) Building up a 19-0 lead in the first quarter the Los Angeles Rams wound up their National League football season today with a 33-17 victory over the Green Bay Packers Playing before a crowd of 23-069 plua a national television audience the Rams saw 4he margin narrow to 26-14 at the half It took a blocked field goal in the third which went for a Ram touchdown to send Los Angeles into another firm 33-14 lead as the game Packers fought all the way to upset the heavily favored local dub 1 Babe FsriUI bad guided the Packers from their own four on big gslns by Fred Cone Don Barton and Floyd Reid to the Bam 25 The running attack stalled and Cone dropped back to try a field goal from the 34 Dick (Night Train) Lane rushed in blocked the try picked up the ck ball on a perfect backward bounce and escaped free 30 yards to send the Rams into another heavy lead The victory gave the Rams a season record of eight triumphs three defeats and one tie and Green Bay a 2-9-1 record Los Angeles took the opening kickoff end drove 62 yards In seven plays with Halfback Brad Myers scoring on a 31-yard pitch-out play Norman Van Brocklin'g 50-yard Hunch pass to Elroy (Crazy Legs) set up the next touchdown Van passing the final four to hit other end Tom Fears No 5 touchdown came when Van Brocklin seemingly hopelessly trapped eluded his pursuers and found Skeet Quinlan for a pass that went for 46 ysrds and the tally Behind 19-6 and still In the first period Green Bay got a touchdown when End Carlton Elliott barged Into a tricky pltchout-lateral maneuver la the Ram backfleld stele the ball 1 and ran 17 yards across the goaL The second Green Bay touchdown came in the second period on a brilliant 80 yard pass play from quarterback Tobin note to Right End Bill Howton' Howton raced behind the Ram defensive and was never touched The Rams got their fourth touchdown in the first period when Fullbsck Dan Towler blasted 40 yards and Tank Younger rushed for the final four Lane added the final Ram score In the third and Cone kicked a 40-yard field goal In the final period for the Packers' 17th point Safetyman Woodley Lewis of tha Rams sat a new league record for kickoff returns He fielded 33 this season and returned 830 yards The old mark was set by Eddie Saenz of the Washington Redskins in 1947 29 returns for 797 yard Green Bar 0 3 17 Los Angeles 28 0 7 0 33 Green Bay scoring Touchdowns Howton Conversions Cone 2 Field Cone -Los Angeles scoring: Touchdowns Myers Fean Quinlan Younger Lane Conversions Fears 2 Hirsch 1 Janssens Jolts Bassett BRUSSELS Dee 12 (AWoseph Janssens of Belgium pounded out a dose 10-round decision over Percy Bassett the interim featherweight boxing champion in a non-title bout tonight Bassett holding the crown while Sandy Saddler finishes his two-year stretch in the United States Army came on fast in the last three rounds but Janssens early lead was enough to give him Ami the verdict over the Negro There were ifo knockdowns but Bassett was warned twice for Four Members Of Irish By Hath Fullerton Jr NEW YORK Dec 12 The outstanding back of the 1953 col- lego football season In the eyes of the sports writers and broadcasters was Johnny ugh Paul GleL how close the decision was When1 the ballots of 304 experts in the Associated Press postseason poll were tabulated today and points awarded on the usual basis of three for first place two for second and one for third Giel came out ahead of Notre Johnny Lattner by just two 527 to 523 These two dominated the voting to the extent that it became a separate race for third placet Giel drew 110 first-place votes 79 seconds and 39 thirds count was 104 88 and 37 Most of the votes were cast before' Lattner's final appearance against Southern Methodist in a nationally televised game It was Lattner here to receive the Heisman trophy a few days ago who gave the best explanation why the experts picked the star of the moderately successful Minnesota team over the star of unbeaten Notre Dame "At Notre Dame it was more of a team effort Giel had to carry the whole load" Lattner said "If we had a bad day we all shared the blame if Paul had a bad ooe all the blame' landed on him' He have many bad ones' In nine games this' season Giel handled the ball on 845 plays of all kinds and account- Added To North Squad i ft V- 1 k-t 9 ft 1 I i RED A Feeds VINE STREET FEED STORE MIAMI Fla Dee 12 Four Notre Dame football players' were added to the North team today for the Mahi Shrine Temple College All-Star footbsll game Christmas night In the Orange Bowl Purdue Coach Stu Holcomb who will handle the North squad picked End Don Penza Center Jim Schrader Guard Menil Mavriadea and Fullback Tom McHugh Holcomb now has 17 players on his squad while South Coach Andy Gustafson of Miami has 21 Each will be allowed 25 As they now stand the two rosters are as follows: North Ends: Don Penza Notre Dame: Ken Buck College of Pacific Bill Fenton Iowa Don Malinek Penn State and Ed Pence Kansas State Tackles: Stavros Canakes Minnesota Jim Balog Michigan and Earl Meyer Kansas State Guards: Menil Mavrlades Notre Dame and Don Ernst Illinois Centers: Jim Schrader Notre Dame and Ken Gowdy Kansas State Quarterback: Elry Falkensteln Illinois Halfbacks: Dusty Rice Iowa Ted Kress Michigan Fullbacks: Tom McHugh Notre Dame and Bob Balderston Kansas State South Ends: John Canon Georgia Howard Pitt Duke: John Willson Missouri and Tom Miner Tulsa Tackles: Ed Meadows' Duke in made that paid off in the form of a 28-27 triumph for his Imps over the Vocational team Denver Bray had given a fine performance in the pivot but appeared dead-tired in the closing minutes with the Imps trailing 27-26 So Hill rushed David Bader in as replacement and Bader immediately hit the shot that won the game Head Coach Baldy Gilb of the Blue Devils too disheartened over Henry 61-43 loss to Fred (Rock) Colonels in the main event He said at the start of the season that this appear to be "Henry Clay's year" and that the Demons probably would lose a few He did remark however that his team might puil an upset or two while rebuilding for whst he hopes will be a good 1954-55 campaign Drawings will be made st Bourbon Vocational Wednesday night for the first Pioneer County Athletic Conference tournament to held there Dee 28 29 and 39 The conference formed last spring includes Bourbon Vocational Nich- 1 olas County Clsrk County Fleming County Harrison County Bracken County Mt Olivet Doming and Estlll County and uses the Dickinson system to determine its seasonal champion Officers of the new loop are Jarvis Parsley of (Bracken County) president: Joe Sabel of Peris (Bourbon Vocational) vice president and Garland Kemper of Cynthisna (Harrison County) secretary and treasurer Dick Butler the former Paris 1 resident who now serves as president of the Sally League with offices in Columbus Ga looks for another deal to follow the one in which the Cincinnati Redlegs swapped Outfielder Willard Marshall to the Chicago White Sox for Pitcher Third Baseman Ryan Rogovln Saul Rocky Krsnich and Second Base-man Connie Ryan The former aide to A (Hap- CCiUai4 Tgm 19 CUibi 1) 239 Vine SL 132 EAST SHORT STREET dry RUG CLEANERS TOYOUMENWHOCAREABOUT YOUR APPEARANCE Our Cleaning Insures He also did a fine defensive job and waa the key man in single-wing offense Lattner also did a terrific job running passing catching passes and tackling to become the outstanding player bn the fine Notre Dame team and the winner of numerous awards including the Heisman and Maxwell trophies The third-place contest wound up with Caroline the Illinois sophom*ore who smashed qll Big Ten rushing records topping Paul Cameron UCLA tailback and Bernie Faloney T-quarterback by a rather dim margin Caroline polled 168 points with Camera 30 first-place votes Cameron 122 and 10 and Faloney 109 and 17 how the voting went for the leading backs: Hjir Via rul aid Minnesota 11 John Lattner Motro Dams Caroline Illinois Paul Cameron VCU ns -ISS in Bernie Money Maryland Bob Oarrstt Stanford 101 sa 4T sa sa Alan Ameehf Wisconsin Jaekls Parker Miss state Xoase Johnson Bice Leroy Boldea Mlah state there receiving more than five points: Lamar McRan Arkansas' ai Zeka Bratkowskl Oaorgla Ooorsa Shaw Oregon and Steve Meillater Keotacky IS each Paul Larion California Dick Clasby Harvard and Iarry Orlss Oklahoma a each Chet Hannlak Maryland I Bobby Cavasos Texas Tech TO SAVE Durango whose true identities remain mystery probably represented the most formidable sible for the two bombers Fassas reported last night that the advance sale of tickets already was the greatest he had ever had for a Woodland contest Jack Perkins Navy Dan Hunter Florida and Ed Buccilli Miami Guards: Crawford Mims Mississippi Steve Eisenhauer Navy Joe Florida and Ted Lubas Miami Centers: Dick Olson Navy and Ed Beatty Mississippi Quarterbacks: Zeke Brstkowskl Georgia and John Bordogns Nebraska Halfbacks: Ed Merri field Missouri Blackte Kincaid South Caro- lina Harol Lofton Mississippi and Bobby Fiveash Florida State Fullback: Byrd Looper Duke Frosh Remain Eligible In Border Conference EL PASO Texas Dee 12 The Border Conference will remain the only major college conference in the nation in which freshmen are permitted to take Jiirt in varsity sports conference acuity representatives decided at their whiter meeting today The action was tha most important taken by the conference at the day-long session Pirie Cops Crown LONDON Dec 12 (AV-Gordon Pirie won the British Banks five mile cross-country championship today for the fifth straight time Pirie British three and six mile champion won in 29 minutes 97 seconds Beautiful Stockings WRAPPED LONGER- i Shoe of Distinction Shop Every MONDAY and FRIDAY Night 'til 9 LASTING FOR AIX YOUR SUITS! ALL DRY CLEANING GUARANTEED TO PLEASE YOU OR YOUR MONEY BACK! Dial 2-1151 PRESS- life your appearance means than the best! Send your cleaning psy off in Eliminated I BY 5:00 PM DRY CLEANERS Give In business as well as In social sp much settle for less suits to us for unexcelled dry friends and profits! Stubborn Spots No Cleaning Odors I Perspiration Stains Removed Like-New Appearance Restored! Please study tills illustration casually pass It by It bus an Inspirational Message To every heart and eye! Yes luxury nylons are a joy to receive ilpyc stocking style to suit her in MISSING BUTTONS REPLACED SLEEVES AND LAPELS ROLLED IF DESIRED beautiful Colours CLOTHES IN OUR OFFICE BY 8:30 AM WILL BE READY Cuent bioidend----PluA 0u Special the Equivalent of 3 Annum Accounts 9Uucd up to $10000 GIFT 135 Ph 3-0838 0 139 EAST MAIN ST Lexington' lam PS Gentlemen if yen are shy-shoppers and knew her sise phone 2-6655 for a BATNHAM GIFT CERTIFICATE and give your favorite the untold pleasure of selecting her own hose sOtidjUjafi 229 WEST SHORT LAUNDERERS Ofpeaile Couriheut 133 135 Cast Main AAAAAAAAAAA' S'te I.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.