El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas (2024)

i S. S. S. S. BOILS LS or boil is the result.

To one already enfeebled by disease, boils seem to come with more frequency, causing the intensest pain and greatest danger to the already weak and debilitated sufferer. All skin eruptions, from the sometimes fatal carbuncle to the spiteful little cat-boil, are caused by bad blood, and the only way to avoid or get permanently rid of them is to purify and build up the deteriorated, polluted blood, and counteract the humors and 1 poisons; and nothing will do this so quickly and thoroughly as S. S. which is the acknowledged king of blood purifiers and greatest of all tonics. Where the blood has become impoverished and i is poor and thin, no medicine acts so promptly in building up and restoring its richness, purity and strength.

The time to cure Allegheny, Juno 11, 1903. boil is before From the age oftwenty or thirty I was sorely a it devel- afflicted with largo, awful boils onmy face and ops, when it is in a state they body. As would soon break as out they in would another heal part up in of the one body, place of incubation or formation and this continued for ten years. I tried everyin the blood; for boils are, thing I could hear of to get relief, but nothing did me any good. Ihad butlittlo faith in S.

S. S. all, only impuri- doing me good when I began it, but after taking after the ties and poisons bubbling it for a short while the boils began to disappear, the skin, and I continued all on the with the medicine, taking Five botsix up through tles, and boils entirely disappeared. this will continue in spite years have elapsed since that time, and I have never been bothered since, showing that the cure of poulticing and lancing was permanent. I had some thirty or forty of till the blood gets rid of the most painful boils ono ever had, and to be entirely rid of them by your great purifior, its accumulated poison.

S. S. puts me under a debt of gratitudo to The way to stop boils is you. HENRY to attack them in the blood, and this is what S. S.

S. does. All danger of boils is past when the blood has been thoroughly purified and the system cleansed of all morbid, impure matter. If you are subject to boils, then the same causes that produced them last season will do so this, and the sooner you begin to put your blood and system in good order the better the chance of going SSS tating anteed without through skin with the boils purely or spring eruptions. other vegetable, and S.

painful S. summer and S. is and old can season guar- irri- and be taken perfect safety by young, and without harm to the most delicate constitution. It is mild and pleasant in its action, and unequaled as a cure for boils anc kindred eruptions. Write us if you would like medical advice or othe information.

THE SWIFT SPECIFIC ATLANTA, GA. PYRAMIDS OF PAIN Boils show the blood is in a riotous, feverish condition, or that it has grown too weak and sluggish to throw off the bodily impurities, which then concentrate at some spot, and a carbuncle LinK and Pin LARGEST LOCOMO- TIVES IN THE WORLD FOR S. P. Mr. Markham Says They Are Now Being Received In Line and Service.

C. H. Markham, the new vice president and general manager of the Pacific system of the Southern Pacific. passed through El Paso this morning accompanied by his wife and daughter, en route from Houston to San Francisco. Mr.

Markham came in on No. 9 and was met here by E. F. Richardson and H. J.

Small, of the S. P. at San Francisco, and T. R. Jones, superintendent at Tucson, and left with the party for the west on arrival of the train from the east.

Mr. Markham and party traveled on a special west of El Paso, in order to give him a chance to look: over the company's property, over which he now has jurisdiction, better than he could have done by traveling on the regular No. 9. The special was in charge of Engineer Guthrie, Fireman Cross, Conductor Roach and Brakeman Zabriskie. who will take as far as Tucson.

Markham for the past two years has been vice president and general manager for the Southern Pacific lines east of El Paso, during which time the properties under his jurisdiction have shown a degree of improvement unexcelled during previous years in the same period of time. Mr. Mark- CLIFFORD BROS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries and General Mer. chandise.

Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. 307-309 East Overland St. Phone 111. Paso, Texa- Reduction Sale! We are NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS as some intimated; on the contrary we are just commencing to do business. Just received a Car of California Canned Goods, going at the unheard-of prices following: Canned Peaches, can Canned Pears, Canned Plums, can Canned Apricots, can Canned Hominy, 3 Canned Peas, can Canned String Canned Tomatoes, 3 for.

Canned Corn, can Canned Beans, Boston Baked, can Blueberries, Raspberries and Blackberries 0. K. Creamery Oranges, 3 dozen These Goods are FRESH; NO STALE GOODS OFFERED. "You Will Have to Hurry." Pioneer Grocery Co. 5 EL PASO HERALD: MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1904.

and others in this section who are also interested in the building of the road and has met with encouragement on every hand. The most encouraging letter, however, is one just received from B. Freeman, president of the Colorado State bank, of Durango, Coiorado, in which he says: "Regarding the railroad enterprise, the people, of our city incorporated some years ago the Colorado Gulf railroad and we had a survey from here to Clifton, where it was proposed to connect with the PhelpsDodge roads and thence get into El Paso, making a and valuable line. Why would not this answer the purpose in which your El Paso people are now becoming interested. You can write me fully regarding this as I can assure you this section will join heartily in any movement which will open up the section to the world.

It means revolution to country and it also means a great deal to your section." Such expressions as the above are worth considerable to the enterprise at this time. especially as it comes from one of the most successful bankers in Colorado. This project will, of course, be slow of realization, but there now hardly seems any doubt but that it will come and when it does it will be worth an untold amount to this section, as it will open up a rich mineral section. which hitherto has been almost inaccessible owing to its remoteness from rail transportation and then, too, it will open a rich coal section that will mean cheap fuel to El Paso and the southwest. SANTA FE PREPARES FOR THE MACHINISTS GIVES WARNING IN ADVANCE OF ANY POSSIBLE STRIKE.

Says Property Must Not be Molested and That Passenger Trains Must Not be Interferred With as They Are All Mail Trains. The Santa Fe company is preparing as rapidly as possible for any trouble that might occur between the company and its machinists and with the idea in view of keeping down any possible trouble, has just had posted in all the shops and yards, notices that no molestation of the service or mutilation of property will be permitted and that anyone caught violating the warning will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Yesterday Master Mechanic Powers at this point received a supply of these warnings with instructions to have them posted at all available points about his shops and he also received instructions to keep anyone not on duty about the premises out of the company yards. The instructions regarding the molestation of company property a also call attention to the fact that all passenger trains on this division are mail trains and that the delaying of such trains is the subject for a heavy fine from the government. SPARKS FROM THE ENGINE.

Cards are up on the doors of all the city offices of the railroad companies advising of the early Saturday closing. There are about one hundred new cars for the Mexican Central in the Santa Fe yards at this point today, awaiting clearance through the Mexican customs house. Effective on May 1st, the Southern Pacific will raise its second class passenger rates to San Francisco from $25 to $30. The second class rates to Los Angeles and points this side will remain $25. The new Cloudcroft bocklet just issued by General Passenger Agent A.

are system, Brown, is of a the beauty El to behold, Paso-Northeastern to say the least. The book is well illustrated and also contains aworld of good reading matter, descriptive of that resort. The crew bringing in Santa Fe freight train yesterday morning was doubled on an extra freight about 11 o'clock yesterday morning, while the crew that brought in the carnival train from Albuquerque last night took the regular No. 34 north and left here about 1 o'clock this morning. Engineer Weimers and Conductor Carruthers, who left here Friday morning in charge of E.

P. S. W. passenger train No. 1, over the Southern Pacific tracks by way of Deming, made a run into Douglas that the officials of the line are them upon.

The train rolled into Douglas on time, notwithstanding the fact that the run by way of Deming NO PLACE. THE LAZY ONES MUST STAND ASIDE. The dull, heavy feeling from coffee may not amount to much in itself, but it's a great obstacle in the way of fame and fortune, for it kills ambition and makes one lazy and finally sick. The successful men or women must first conquer themselves. The way to conquer that dull, stupid feeling 9 times out of 10 is to pay a little attention to proper food, coffee in particular, will dull the senses and make one feel lazy and stupid after the first of the cup have worn off an so after drinking it.

hoffects "I was a lover of coffee," says a New York man. "It seemed to me breakfast was nothing without it, but I noticed an, hour or SO after breakfast a dull, stupid feeling came over me accomuanied frequently by nausea. "Thinking perhaps it was caused by coffee I wanted to make sure of it, so I gave up the use of coffee and drank Postum in its place. My old trouble disappeared and I learned to look forward to my Postum with as much eagerness as I used to look to coffee and instead of being bad in its effect, Postum is very healthy, and I feel 'fit as a lord' right along." Name given by Postum Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason why Postum helps toward fame and fortune when used in place of coffee, the drug drink.

Look in each package for he famous little book, "The Roal to Wellville." JUST THINK the Following $138,000.00 Worth Of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Etc. to be sold at Retail For Cash Only At 27c. On the Dollar WATCH THIS SPACE FOR PRICES. Northwestern Salvage Company Boston Store's Old Stand. H.

MARCUS, Mgr. WANTED--50 Salesladies and Salesmen, apply Wednesday Morning to Manager. ham's departure from the Texas railroad world is sincerely regretted. To a reporter for The Herald Mr. Markham said that he regretted leaving Texas more than he thought he would when he first became executive head of the Harriman lines east of El Paso.

When he first came to Texas. he said, he was not altogether pleased with the climate and between the damage suit industry and climatic conditions, his path was anything but roseate. however. I have Pound" then people "After two years' Texas, most cordial and have made many friends I regret to leave," said he. "I am going to my old home, sO to speak," continued Mr.

Markham. "but there are many friendships in Texas which I will miss greatly in the west." Mr. Markham said that while there were not any special improvements in contemplation for the Southern Pa cific lines this year, the usual appropriations would be made. Heavier steel rails would be laid on the line between El Paso and Houston and the entire system brought to the same high degree of perfection as now existed on the best divisions of the system. "The Southern Pacific has purchased for freight traffic on its Pacific sys.

tem," he said, "eight new locomotives which are the largest in use by any railroad in the United States for regular freight traffic. There are some heavier types, these are used for mountain climbing and not regular freight traffic, as we propose with our new locomotives. These engines are now being delivered to us at New Orleans and are passing through El Paso this week. Two of them I left behind in Houston, which will be on some time this week. These monsters are well worth going to some trouble see.

We have found it necessary to purchase these heavy locomotives to meet demands upon our western traffic which increases year by Mr. Markham stated that the manager's office at Houston was figuring on a new schedule affecting the time between El Paso.and Houston for the convenience world's fair traffic. He did not know what changes would be made in the time card, but said that such changes as were possible under existing conditions for the convenience of world's fair travel would be made. As an inducement to world's fair travel, the Southern Pacific will allow over privileges in New Orleans to holders Southern Pacific tickets to St. Louis.

NEW ROAD MEANS CHEAPER FUEL EL PASO WOULD PROFIT BY A LINE TO DURANGO, COLO. Connection Could Be Made With the Southwestern at Clifton and the New Line Would Not Have To Be Very Long. Some little headway has been made towards the culmination of the project to construct a line of railway connecting El Paso with Durango, and the rich coal fields of western New Mexico, and the Durango people on their part seem to be very anxious to help this matter along. Some time ago a company was formed in Durango for the purpose of fostering a line to Clifton to connect there with the Arizona New Mexico road and thence reach El Paso; they now seem willing to again hold of this matter and push it. Secretary A.

W. Gifford, of the international Miners' association. has had this matter up for a number of months and has had considerable correspondence along that line with dif. ferent financial men in the east and has met with considerable encouragement from that field. Mr.

Gifford has also had this matter up with a number of El Paso people was about 25 miles further. than the straight run, and the crew had to go over a piece of track that was new to them." In addition to that, the train left El Paso about 25 minutes late. ABOUT RAILROAD PEOPLE. Switchman Taylor, of the Santa Fe, is laying off on the sick list. Manuel Rand, day hostler of the Santa Fe at this point, has just resigned his position.

J. D. Dowling, traveling freight agent of the Southern railway at Dallas, is in the city. Conductor J. K.

Merriman is laying off and Conductor John Moss is on his run on the G. H. passenger. W. W.

Monroe, general baggage agent of the Atlantic system of the S. P. at Houston, is a guest of the Sheldon. Charles Maier, third vice grand master of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, passed through El Paso last night 'en route from his home in Parsons, to Douglas, where he will remain a few days on brotherhood business. Richard Jones, night hostler of the Santa Fe at this point, left on the passenger Saturday for San Marcial, in place of the regular fireman who was taken ill here.

DAILY RECORD. Licensed to Wed. William Alexander Lamb and Mabel M. Moore. Deeds Filed.

Jonathan S. Dodge to James B. Brady, all of lots 11 and 8 3-8 feet of lot 12 in block 43, Hart's survey No. 9, on the corner of Rio Grande and Stanton streets; consideration $4500. Benigno Alderete to Frank Heath, 25 1-2 acres of land in the Ysleta town grant; consideration $382.50.

Births Reported. Boy, born April 7, to Anastacio Ropa and wife, 705 Kansas street. Girl, born April 6, to Nester Lopez and wife, of Ysleta. Boy, born April 8, to Tase Tarango, 1215 S. Oregon.

Girl. born April 8, to Emilio Ybarra and wife, 1015 Utah street. SICK MAN IN EL PASO CANNOT BE LOCATED. Dr. Higgins this morning received a telegram from a physician in Vancouver.

B. which read: "Thomas Davis sick in hospital at El Paso. Let me know his condition." Dr. Higgins had never head of the man about whom the inquiry was made but instituted a search for him. Inquiry at all of the hospitals in the city, as well as the county hospital, failed to disclose any man by this name.

The doctor, after his ineffectual attempt to locate. Davis, turned the matter over to the police who have not met with any better success. THE DAY'S MARKETS Money and Metals. New York, April on call easy 1 1-2. Prime mercantile paper 1-2.

Silver 53 3-8. Lead firm, Copper firm, 13 1-2. Closing Stocks. New York, April 75 5-8; Atchison preferred 94 1-2; New York Central 117 1-2; Pennsylvania 119 1-2; Southern Pacific 50 7-8; Union Pacific 88 7-8; Union Pacific preferred 93; United States Steel 11 7-8; United States Steel preferred 61 7-8. Kansas City Cattle.

Kansas City, April ket steady. Native steers 5.25: southern steers cows and heifers southern cows stockers and feeders $3.00 bulls calves $3.00 western steers western cows Kansas City Sheep. Kansas City, April market steady. Muttons lambs range wethers $5.00 ewes St. Louis Wool.

St. Louis, April market steady. Territory and mediums 20c; fine mediums fine 16c. Chicago Cattle. Chicago, April market slow.

Good to prime steers poor to medium stockers and feeders cows 4.25; heifers canners bulls calves $2.50 Texas fed steers Chicago Sheep. Chicago, April market steady to strong. Good chocie wethers fair to choice mixed western sheep $4.75 native lambs western lambs Chicago Grain. Chicago, April quotations on grain market: 93 7-8; July, 86 3-4. May--Wheat.

Corn--May, 52 7-8; July, 50 Oats-May, 38 1-2; July, 37 5-8. Chicago Provisions. Chicago, April quotations on provision market: Pork-May, 12.25; July, 12.45. Lard--May, 6.47 July, 6.55. Ribs--May, 6.35; July, 6.50@6.52 1-2.

Cotton. Liverpool, April cotton market unchanged at 8.34 middling and fair. New York, April closed ten points down. 14.90 middling. Market extremely stagnant, ations narrow.

Retail Local Markets. El Paso, April are retail selling prices today in El Paso markets: Beef, porterhouse steak, 20c lb. Steak, loin, 20c; prime roast, 17 1-2c. Oysters, per dozen. Mutton, prime, 17 1-2c.

Turkeys, 20c lb. Lamb, prime, 25c. Hens, 17 1-2c lb. Spring chickens, 20c lb. Sausage, 15c lb.

Lettuce, 60c dozen. Potatoes, 2 1-2 to 3c per 1b. Onions, 5c to 6c per lb. Celery, 8 to 10c bunch. Coffee, 12 1-2 to 50c lb.

Tea, 35c to $1 lb. Sugar, 16 lbs. for $1. No. 2, granulated, 20lbs.

for $1. Bacon, narrow breakfast, 15c per lb. per lb. Dry salt bellies, per lb. Lard, compound, 7 3-4c per lb.

basis. Leaf lard, 9c per lb. basis. Hams, standard, 14c to 17c per lb. Butter, 25c to lb.

Eggs, 20c to 30c dozen. Cheese, cream, 20c lb. Flour, Colorado, best patent, $3.40. Honey, 15c lb. Oranges, 20, 30, 40, 50.

and 75c doz. Lemons, 20c to 25c dozen. Bananas, 25c dozen. Strawberries, 20c basket. Grape fruit, 8 to 10c.

Pecans, 15 to 25c lb. Almonds, 15 to 25c lb. Raisins, 15 to 25c lb. Apples, 5 to 10c lb. Prunes, 8 to 20c lb.

Wholesale Local Markets. (Quotations are for unbroken lots and large quantities.) El Paso, Texas, April are wholesale selling prices today in El Paso markets: Breakfast bacon, narrow, 11 1-4c per lb. Hams, 11 1-4c per lb. Lard, compound, 6 3-4c per lb. Lard, pure, 7 7-8c per lb.

Oranges, California navels, $2.25 per box. Bananas, $2 to $3 per bunch. Lemons, $3.50 per box. Beans, Mexican, 2 3-4c per lb. California pink beans, 4.35 per cwt.

Corn, $1.30 per cwt. Potatoes, Oregon, $2.25 per cwt. Onions, $3.00 per cwt. Onions, new white, per cwt. $4.00.

Butter, extra Kansas creamery, 25 cents per lb. Salt, table, 200 lb. bales, salt, stock, 200 lb. bales, $1.25. Eggs, Kansas, $6.00.

Eggs, El Paso candled, $5.50 per case. Oils, extra winter strained lard, 72c per gallon. Cheese, twins, 12 1-2c Long Horns, 14c lb. Sugar, best granulated, $5.20 per cwt Alfalfa, $13 ton. Oats, $1.80 per cwt.

Bacon, Dry salt extras, 7 5-8c dry salt bellies, 8 1-8c smoked bellies, 9 1-8c 1h Gaston Coblentz returned yesterday afternoon from New York. Independent Assay Office Established 1888. D.W. Reckhart, E. M.

PROPRIETOR. Agent for Ore Shippers Assays and Chemical Analysis. Mines Examined and Reported Upon Bullion Work a Specialty P. O. Box 88.

Office and Laboratory Cor. San Francisco Chihuahua Sts. EL PASO, TEXAS ARTHUR W. HOUCK, Assayer and Chemist Twelve Years with Harry Wood of Denver. 403 N.

Oregon El Paso, Texas Parker Q. Parker Mining and Consulting ENGINEERS Mining Investments. Examinations and Reports on Mining Properties. Rooms 13-14 Masonic Temple PHONE 984. EL PASO, TEX.

Seamon Assay Go. ASSAYERS, CHEMISTS AND MINE ENGINEERS. Cor. San Francisco and Leon Streets. 12-14 SAN FRANCISCO ST.

AWNINGS Make your house comfortable. We have just opened a new store in which we shall display a full line of store and residence Awnings at reasonable prices. 610 San Antonio St. THE FAMOUS LEHIGH CEMENT E. E.


El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.