Times Herald from Olean, New York (2024)

SATURDAY'S TOTAL CIRCULATION Only Dally Paper In Cattaraugus County Whose Circulation li Verl. fled by A. B. C. THE RECOGNIZED ADVERTISING MEDIUM OF SOUTHWESTERN Olean 'At All Times-Full NBA Feature Service Full Leased N.

Wire Service Final Edition WEATHER Kalr and colder tonight, light to heavy' frost, much colder In portion; Tuetday fair. LXVL, No. 82 SIXTY-SIXTH YEAR OLEAN, NEW YORK, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1926. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS OSCAR STRAUS 1SJDEAD Former Cabinet Member Dies In Home In New York New York, May X. --Oscar S.

Straus, former Unit- cd States Ambassador to Turkey, ami Secretary of the Department of Commerce and Jjiibor in ('resident Hooscvclt's cabinet, died today of a heart attack in his home at 1010 Park avenue. He was 70 years old. Strauss, a Georgian by early adoption, came to New York when he was fifteen years old and has been one of its most prominent citizens. He was a. graduate of Columbia University of the class of 1871, and of the Columbia law school two years later, finally taking his Master's Degree in 1S74.

This was an unusual achievement for a immigrant, for Oscar Solomon Strauss came hero with his parents. Lazarus and Sara Strauss, when he was a small child and moved to Talbottom, with them shortly after their arrival. They lived there at Columbus, i 1 STRIKE MAURICE IS MARRIED AT LAST Stock FIRST AGAIN Virtually No Trading" With Financial Circles At Complete Loss To Know Way To Turn. By H. K.

REYNOLDS. International News Service Staff Correspondent LONDON, May 3--Last hopes of averting a general strike appear to have gone a-glimmering. The Trades Union Council, after sending a letter to Premier Baldwin stating that they were willing to resume negotiations, remained at the House of Com; mons awaiting a reply during the afternoon and early evening. Shortly before 7 o'clock tonight the labor leaders gave up appeared to be a forlorn i hope and returned to their headquarters in Eccleston Square, there to complete their final plans for the strike which begins at midnight. LONDON, May 3--Great Britain today began to feel the pinch of the great industrial tie-up that 1 becomes completely effective at midnight tonight.

The first drastic effect of the general strike was i felt in the stock market. Financial circles were at a loss to know which way to turn and there was virtually no trading. Ex- 1 cited silk-hatted brokers thronged the curbs of Threadneedle and Leadeiihall streets discussing the situation, and there were some suggestions that the Exchange should be closed during the period of i i i London PRINCE VICTOR DEAD Brussels. May (I. N.

Victor is dead. The prince had buffered an attack several days ago and lapsed into a state of unconsciousness. Prince Victor was born in Paris in 1SG2. the son of Prince Napoleon and Princess Marie Clot- ilcie of Savoie. He was expelled from France at the age of 24 for his strenuous efforts in behalf of the Eonapurlist party.

Since that time he has lived in Brussels. In 1910 he married Princess Clementine of Belgium, by whom he has had a son and a daughter. ne partners had the habit of marrying i someone else after lie fell in love i i (horn, has finally succeeded in This picture Is one of (lip first to he transmitted commercially by wireless from Knu'land to America by the Radio Corporation of America. Transmission opened at midnight, London time. Maj 1.

Within a short time this picture, showing the nose-to-nose finish of One of the Nun market races, was on its nay to Xew York. Transmission time was one hour and three minutes. It was relayed by fast mail to The Olcan Times. Terrc Hante. May Eugene V.

Debs, thrice candidate lor president of the United States on the Socialist ticket, told International News Service today that reports he had suffered a physical breakdown were "greatly exaggerated." "I've been suffering from an attack of lumbago, an outgrowth of seasickness during my trip back from Bermuda, but am greatly improved now," he said. ''I didn't go to Pittsburgh to attend the Socialist convention because I feared the trip by rail would aggravate the pain." a dancing partner to the altar. lie is shnun immediately 1 after his wedding in Paris (o Klra- nor Ambrose, daughter of Houard Ambrose, wealthy Kansas City i man. Boston, May rigid investigation was being conducted today into the lire which swept the live story a a But far greater achievements i i No- 571 Columbus Oscar S. Straus made up the history of Straus's a i He was twice United States Minister to Turkey, and afterward Ambassador and was first Jew to become a member of the cabinet.

He was a collea- KUC of President Koosevelt in the formation of the Progressive Party and in was its candidate for the Governorship of New York State. Besides his political activity, avenue. South End, resulting in tho (loath of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Addario and their live year old son, Joseph.

Jacqueline Devine and Bertha ('ashman, vaudeville performers, were injured in try- nip; to escape. department officials claim a carelessly cigarette stub started the lire. As scores of apartment dwell crs were fleeing irom the i and his yean, in tho diplomatic hou sc Gcoi eo Uy: drovc service, ho devoted a great part ot nl 10 and wit, his life to social welfare and "obcrt Cook, another taxi dnvci philanthropic work. lie was a rescued Mr. and Mrs.Emil Lee anu brother of a a and of Isadora I 0 1 by stands Strauss, the latter having been a Ilc roof of cab a nc reaching victim with his wife of the Titanic sccomi lloor window, disaster.

emergency. Scotland Yard ordered all reserve policemen to duty. The war office issued orders for movements of troops. King George and Queen Mary left the quiet of Windsor Castle and returned to Buckingham Pali arc to be at the centre of activi- ties. The Evening Xews suspended publication.

Directors of the newspaper ordered that it reprint the Daily Mail Editoria, "for king and country," which caused a I A tvlke of Daily Mail workers last i and caused suspension of a newspaper. The i i N'ews employes when ordered to i were prepare the editorial for publica- i in that organ walked out and the newspaper was unable to get out it.s afternoon editions. Hyde Park was alive i act i i as the government continued the mobilization of transport there and prepared to the i i i of food supplies at i i tonight. Thc Evening Standard, owned Lord Beaverbrook, failed to on thc strect.s with its oon edition, while the publishers nd printers negotiated concern- i rod-headed Welshman, as "Kinperor" Co I is one ot the most enthusias-- lie leaders in the strike move- I mcnt. J.

Hamsay MacDonald, former premier and leader of the labor party, assumed the role of peace-1 maker today and conferred separately with the members of the Trades Union Congress and the miners' federation in an effort to find if there Is any possible basis for resumption of negotiations and the aversion of the general strike. Trades Union Congress leaders today a worried over thc independent unauthorized strikes which have already developed in tho newspaper fearing that this may indicate that the situation is getting out of hand. Rumors were circulated a the government is a i to ar- Probe 3 In Rum War Chicago, May o--(I. X. General Oscar Carlstrom of Illinois, having assumed supervision of the Special Grand Jury inve.s-l tlgation into gang warfare in Cook i county, today began making i WILLIAM K.

JIUTCH1XSOX for a probe to the roots of international Xevvs Service Staff situation which i a a half years has caused ninety-three murders in the war over illicit boor, whiskey and alcohol. It was announced a Coroner Oscar Wolff, who is conducting investigation into the shooting to I FLASHES OF LAST last week, i be among the fir.sr witnesses' restTnumbeVo'f'outstanding'com- called before thc -pccial grand jury munists on account of Inflamatory He. i Harry Kimono speeches which they made during I president of tho Union Lea sue Club, week-end. will be asked for evidence to support 000 more to erect new governm. buildings in the district of Columbia and a appropriation of $15,000.000 to complete a long list of federal buildings, authorized in 1913.

but never ereete. because the cost of construction exceeded the appropriations. Because of opposition, administration leaders were willing to accept a compromise providing that congress will have Holding out threats of night ses- the power to "veto" any projects or an abandoned program, i selected by Secretary Mellon under Republican loaders centered their the $10.000.000. In any event, iinmodinto efforts of enacting i i Mellon can select the pro- i public buildings bill in tin senate ects bl provides that con- Correspondent Washington, May swiftly approaching primary cam- administration loaders today began whipping Congress into a mad spurt through thc stretch egislative calon- liofnic htfall. They sought to threatened Democratic as yet there has been no intima- ug an editorial which the editors i ii on any intention on the part Icired to carry.

The printers he mine owners to re-opca ne- Port Chester, X. May love triangle of Mrs Eva Thelen. pretty divorcee, slain by a jealous suitor, precipi- tated another tragedy today when Now York, May prices broke sharply on the Xcw York Slock a today, reflect- the serious industrial crisis developing in Croat Thc do- ilinos wore tho sharpo.st in a month. Foreign exchange quotations also Mrs. Mam'e Summa, Go.

dropped dropped. Exchange declined to dead in her home here when news j.o. io me st since Jamiarv reached her that her son, Vila, 23, was held as a material witness in connection with the case. Port Chester, N. May arising from spurned love, was believed by police today to be thc in -live for the slaying of Mrs.

Eva Thelen, 3S, pretty divorcee and urooklyn heiress, who was shot to death as she sat on a wall with a young m.m. Vito Silio, 23, of Port X. is held in connection with her death. Sillo asked Mrs. Thelen twice a few hours before her death to meet him but was rebuffed, according to Dr.

Amos 0. Snuire, medical examiner of West- rhester county. Silio Is reported to have "kept with Mrs. Thelen for a year. lit denied being near the scene o' the crime.

Vita Summa, 23, of Prrt Cl.ester. is hold as a material witness. Summa was seated en the wall before the hospital with Mrs. Thelen when a man ap- penml out of the darkness and ordered him to "beat it." Thc man had a revolver in his hand, Summa said. Summa ran for help and shortly nfterwards heard tivo Mrs.

Thelen was found i bullets In her head and '2, while Bokinn francs declined to tho lowest quotations of the year, lidstian frane.s at to the franc touched I ho Invw.st quotations in history of a currency. Industrial stocks foil off from four to ton points under pressure of heavy offerings. General ICIectric declined eleven points to Atlantic Kcfmins lost six points: Gen- Lloyd George. i I Rishnr, were disinclined to allow the cdt torial published, maintaining that it was an anti-la'jor article. "Thc government is fully prepared to carry on essential after tonight," said C.

Davidson, Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty in a statement to thc press this afternoon on behalf of thc government. throughout the country indicate that tho people arc calm and there lias been no panic. "Food stocks are normal. "I wish to deny reports that the government broke off negotiations for tho settlement of the 'strike abruptly. Premier Baldwin's patience was sorelv tried by the miners' attitude and the stoppage of the Daily Mail was the last straw." J.

II. Thomas, secretary of the National Union of Kailvvayinen, i on the strike, said, "war is declared." Baldwin will explain the government's position in the House of Commons tonight. He will be followed by former Premie Ramsay MacDo'iald. lab leader, and i gotiations. I Not since the declaration of war against Germany has there been i such a tense atmosphere In the house of commons as prevailed this be J.

Ramsav MacDonald aunounc- a Cllar credited to them il I a o'clock this afternoon that "i'it an alliance iK-tween gangsters, i comnromi in- politicians and officials, is icspon- compromising nil dif- sible for the breakdown in law feronce. which revolved chiefly forcement j.iround the powers given sot-rotary Kelly, supported by other biisi- )f Mellon to select nuss and civic leaders, has a wllil-I a fund ed a special grand jury and a )C ''O expended, cial prosecutor to conduct the i i this measure out of the and despite the fact the' --onate i consider the side entered wearing red rosettes. The Duke of York took a seat in the Royal Gallery shortly after the question hour opened. inquiry, Carlstrom said he was assuming direction of the probe at the re-, ron gl(k im quest of States Attorney Crowe II1L mulliIe for a ion on he The archbishop of Canterbury -rowe said lie asked the attorao (lo! kIIIl nti accompanied by many members of J-'eneni! to charge lie (0 l( MllM was the chief law enforcing officer of state. 0 the House of Lords thronged the Peers gallery.

There were great gaps in the labor benches, many labor M. being tied up In conferences of I the Trades Union Congress. i There were bitter scenes in the house of commons this afternoon. I When Premier Baldwin entered i entered at he was wildly i cheered from the government A i I Killed In Auto Crash the Copoland Coal Control bill, U'ivmg the president a i to jsobo mines in a national cnier- g(-n( y. The public i i oill i he the first of its kind enacted since I'oforc the war Its provisions in' elude a i a i of a Sl 000.000 for the erei-tion ol i i "wherever New Bedford, May I jolm iSGild.

owner i benches, but he was greeted with tcxtl jn an( i general a i a i of I cratic onposition. silence from the opposition a Bristo tion of the chamber. gross again mist pass upon them before contracts can be awarded. Under $15,000,000 list, however, work w-ill be started as as the are made available. The new buildings, thus assured of erection and the additional appropriations authorized, include the following: In Connecticut, Branford, $15,000, a $50,000.

In Maine, Caribou, Km Fairfield $15,000 In Massachusetts. Maiden Xew- buryport Southbridge a Winchester In Xew York. Fort Plain. Long Island City, Syracuse. Yonkers, $390.000.

i Any project not listed above! must be constructed out of the $100,000,000 and the approval of both Postmaster General New and Secretary Mellon must be obtained. If Mt-llon does not give his approval, the project will not be built and it was this provision ot the bill which aroused the demo- New York, May 3--T. N. Labor will take no active participation in the British industrial crisis, John CougliHn, secretary of flic Central Trades and Labor Council, said today. Madrid.

May 3--(I. N. former Kaiser is planning to move to Talma, Balacric Islands, according to El Sol. This newspaper states that one of the ex-Kaiser's sons is now at Pahna arranging for a residence for his father. St.

Louis, May 3-- (I. N. --'John Thompson. St. Louis, millionaire, convicted with Col.

Charles 1J. Forbes, former director of the Veterans' Bureau, in conned ion with hospital contracts for (lie bureau, died at his home here today. Washington. May 3--(I. X.

Coolidge today gave his endorsem*nt to the Swing Johnson bill for the building of a great at Boulder Canjon. in the Colorado IJiver district, to supply the entire Southwest with power. Xew York, May 3--(I. X. --Hippolito Villa, brother of Pancho Villa, has not been executed in Durango as erroneously reported in Mexico City dispatches, according to the latest advices received by the Mexican Kmbassy in Washington and the Mexican consulate here.

was "No Soviet can rule the shouted several tory members. J. Ramsay MacDonald and oral Motors three; Cast Iron Pipy seven: United Stales Steel 1-2. and Oil throe points. I i a stocks declined sharplv in tho fourth and i hours under the' vvoisht of heavy professional selling pressure, which was con- cent rated on the priced industrial and specialty Thc motors, oils and coppers bore the brunt of the selling in the final period, and looses were most severe in thc stocks which hnd boon the lenders in (ho previous advance.

Still Critical Baltimore, May A Opper. wife of Senator C.ippor. (11) of Kansas, spent a comfortable night but her condition is still critical, physicians the Women's Hospital of Marvlaud de- Ida red today, The Bishop of London has appealed to thc nation to ronum calm and "he as self-controlled as you were at the outbreak of war." The i day 01 the coi. i i i the Ktifelith, Scottish and Welsh mines completely idlt- with the strikers orderly Describing i situation in Wales, the Daily Kxpress said that the miners were restless, 'heir Celtic nature providing a tinder that may binst into name at any moment." "This is labor's greatest c't'ort a the whole track union move! ment will prove to the govern- I the solidarity o- labor," said 'A. J.

Coo, leader of the miners' federation today. Cook 1 who Is hlamcri by many opponents of labor for thc present situation, is no longer in control of the which hns passed under control of tho trades union congress. Tho fiery AND ENGINEERS OF 14 NATIONS spasmodic bursts of sons. There were jeers from the government benches. INSANE WOMAN i ion mom ers of ho international manager killed and two other men i 1 A i i J.

slightly injured today when their oLlJllM llolo automobile crashed through a i fence and into a tree. J. Ramsay MacDonald and The two injured were Rowland J. H. Thomas.

labor leaders, Mackay and Henry L. Mackie. entering the chamber were 0 New Bedford. also greeted with cheers from Mackay, who was driving, told labor benches and with police his lights out and tho c.unbridsc. May ear swerved to thc right.

Neild, Train carryini 1-0 scion- who was in the rear seat, a I i int OIS of fourtoon na- thrown from the car. He suf- forod a fractured skull which re suited in his death, Harrison, X. 3--(I. X. --One man was killed a7id two others injured when an automobile plunged off the Anderson Hill road near here early today.

The car plunged off the main highway at a sharp curve, jumped over a stone wall and upset pinning the men beneath the wreckage. (IXS)--John K. Marshall. Fort KILLS DAUGHTER Madame Reynault Killed By Thief Chicago. May N.

Emily Carlan, suddenly going insane, according to police, todav shot and killed her daughter, probably fatally wounded her husband and son and then killed herself. Renew Treaty Lisbon, May the-I'nltcd Stales today renewed the arbitration treaty which h.is been in effect for several years. Paris, May police a not vet captured the murderers of Madame Reymiult. wife ot" the former French ambassador to Japan, who was found dead at her bedroom door yesterday. Madame Kcynanlt had been shot nnd several bullets were found embedded in the wall.

The police believe that were ransacking the Keynault home when Madame KOjnault disturbed them and they shot her down In order to make a get-away- tric plant at Lynn. Aviator Arrives Dloc'ro-Tcchnical Commission, came lero today to visit the Massachu setts I i of T-chnology and Johnson, X. coal dealer, and electrical plants in the vicinity of Mjss Strackj bilk worker of Roston. Including the General Elec- Amstcr( ami to ay were wait ing for law experts of city to look up precedents, hoping they will be able to secure a marriage license. issuance of the license was London.

May up when thc clty clork office Gallarza. one of the tvyo Spanish Icarncd a annjohaire. N. aviators now en route to Toklo from Jmlgo a (Hvorce Madrid, a rived today at according to Macao advices. Gallarza, who wns flying from Hanoln French Indo-Chinan, damaged thc wing of his piano slightly In landing.

Captain his companion flier, was reported on his way from Hanoi; STARS AND STRIPES FLUTTER IN BERLIN Berlin, May stars and stripes fluttered from scores of buildings today in tribute to the three-hundred American hotel proprietors who will hold the centre of tho stage dur- Cambridgc. Ma.ss, April 20. Ing their two-day stay here. The t. 1 I A ft vi A ITT i I 17..

1 heir Case Marshall marrying during the life of his first wife. When Marshall and Miss Struck applied for the license they were told they would have to wait until the report arrived from the law depart menu hotel men are now touring Europe. President Von Hindenburg this morning received a delegation of nine in Germany's white house, and Chanceno? Luther this afternoon will give a garden tea their honor. The program for today Includes- a visit to Potsdam, where Ihe former Kaiser's palace stands, and an elaborate banquet at the Zoo restaurant to be attended by cabinet ministers and -the elite of German society. The delegates received by President Hindenbutg Included G.

W. Sweeney of Now York: Edward M. l( Tlorney of BlnKhanuon, N. Y.y*' and Oscar Tschirky of Now' York..

Times Herald from Olean, New York (2024)


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