El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas (2024)

ir'ASU JtUfcHAJLli Week-find Edition, beptemoer 2-3, ARTS OF Painting, Sculptor, Cooking and Flower Growing To Be Shown at Exposition. MANY socially prominent women of El Paso are giving time and effort and the most scrupulous pains to making the work of the woman achievement department, in connection with the International Soil Products exposition, an unprecedented success Mrs. Sutherland, as chairman of the board of women managers of the exposition, has appointed committees including the names of about 200 women, most of whom are residents of El Taso. and a few of whom are prominent socially and in club work in neighboring cities. The energy, thrift, executive ability and foresight of the chiefs of the several ommittees operating in El Paso, for the adi a icement of the projects of the women achievement department of the exposition, almost suffice to prove that women have as much capability as business managers as have men, for astonishing progress has been made in the short time since the committees were organized, in perfecting details of the innumerable enterprises "I desire to send, through the columns of The Herald, a cordial and most urgent appeal to all the women In the three states of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, to cooperate with the club women of El Paso in making a most notable, brilliant and profitable success of the woman's achievement department at the forthcoming exposition, said Mrs Carl Lee Smith, who has charge of the department of fine arts and rafts.

El Paio AVomen Excel- "I can say. with perfect impartiality, that the women of this region excel to a most remarkable degree in the arts and in necdlecraft." continued Mrs Srrith vcar ago last March we had a really wonderful exhibition of women handiwork, at the Paso del Norte-and at the international exposition, to be held here in October, attracting as it 11 visitors from all the western s'ates and from several foreign countries, it will he a matter of pride with us to show the world wliat we are able to achieve In painting, in arts and crafts, in needlework, in designing, in culinary art, and in all the branches of the combined esthetic and domestic metier which is so modern and commendable a distinction of the progressive industrious and ambitious woman of the west, today." All women who have work which they consider suitable for exhibitive purposes are urged by Mrs Smith to write her home, at No 506 East Rio Grande street, or to telephone her at her home, the telephone number being 13S There will be a committee meeting under the chairmanship of Mrs. Smith, in the directors' room at the chamber of commerce early next week, at which time further plans and details will be tratured. Beantlfnl Art Exhibit. am counting on an extensive and must beautiful art exhibit at the international exposition." said Mrs.

Smith. "For manr women of Texas and, I have no doubt of New Mexico and Arizona, too have exceptional ability as landscape and portrait artists, working in oil. Some of the most effective and brilliant compositions I have seen, demonstrating not only technical proficiency, but the rare gift of the creative, imaginative faculty, have been the productions of our local artists. 'Women In this region are Used Resinol For Bad Skin Trouble Connldera Her Cure Remarkable June 15. "For almost six months I s-ffered from a severe case of skin-trouble on my leg between the ankle and knee It began by swelling, with severe pains day and night, followed by constant Itching.

My leg then became inflamed, and later water blisters and pimply sores broke out on it At this time my leg was at least one-third above its normal size, and the continual Itching and burning sensation was something terrible I applied many remedies, but gained no relief until I commenced usme Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap, from which I obtained relief by the first application. After a continued use of Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap the swelling was reduced, the Itching and burning were entirely relieved and a complete cure was effected, having used only three Jars of Resinol Ointment and two cakes of Resinol Soap. My trouble sure was serious, and I consider the cure s'Sned) Mrs. II. TV.

Ncefus, SJS Pearson St, Greensboro. N. C. All duggists sell Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap For samples, free. -veVtimenl-8- Kelly-pringfleld ai yj Ha RUBBER COMPANY Leading Tire Merchants of ihe Southwest.

322 Texas. El Paso. WOMEN jms s. ir. siTiiotuM) learning to excel in arts and crafts working with brass, and the semiprecious stones.

Hardlv any sort of work gives a woman wider range for her inventive faculty and the displaj of her exquisite taste. Some Local cuIptor. "As an amateur in sculpture, the local woman is learning to give imper- lsbable expression to her original thought Pen and ink artists we have in great numbers, and the work of many of them is not only excellent from a technical standpoint but inter- csting as descriptive and interpretive of the wajs. the scenes, the people, which are characteristic of our state. and which have such a piquant appeal to the alien eyes of easterners "The very best specimens of work in i all these lines will be selected for the exposition There will be a very great and elaborate display of needlework of all varieties.

From the costliest most exquisite bedspreads of cluny lace, to the unpretentious but dainty 'French team' in the sleeve of a silk shirt all manner of productions of the needle will be exhibited Department for Junlor. "There v. ill also be a 'junior department" of the arts and crafts." said Mrs. Smith. "Young women and school girls will be Invited to display their handiwork, whether it be drawing, painting, millinery productions, dressmaking, modeling in clay or wax.

preserving, cooking, croch-ting. designing, or ex- emDlarv of other and rarer lines of endeavor. This competitive exhibition. I to be made In tne exposition buildings In October, will do far more than merely to show the public what the girls can perform It will spur each competing exhibitor to an emulative effort If a girl falls short of the prize or distinction she expected, she will work a little harder next jear and year after. She will compare her own worK wun otners.

ana aiscover by actual demonstration wherein she may improve her method." Culinary Department. The culinary department of the exhibition will be held separately, but will be under the auspices of the women's achievement department of which Mrs. Sutherland is at the head. The committee in charge of the culinary exhibits which will have the Joy of judging jam, of sampling souffle, of pitching into pumpkin pie and, measuring the comparative merits of meringue, mayonnaise and the like will offer suitable prizes for the most appetizing and generally excellent decoction in each division A very large share of organizing and arranging the exhibitive collection of women's handiwork at the exposition 4 will fail to the lot of Mrs. H.

E. Chris- tie. whose plans and extensive pur- poses in this connection will be an- nounced in a later issue of The Herald Mrs. Christie's executive knowledge of the quality of the proposed exhibits i Preoa redn. The avalanche of business during past few days has made big inroads on our large stock of tires.

We urge all our customers, both retail and wholesale, to stock up and be prepared in the event of a railroad tie-up nuf ced BOSS TO BE President Woman' Club. MRS. Wl'Ii GI'V-TIIEIt IAD TWO I)l f.HTIIItS. have been of value to the promoters of the enterprises whnh the achievement department has undertaken. The Mexican Milage.

The Mexican iliage ill be assembled and conducted under the auspi es of a committee of which Mrs Paul Ginther is the chairman Keenest expectations have been aroused by the announcement that a veritable Mexican village will be imported for the occasion. The street ill imitate an "hon-est-to-goodness" Mexican village street so far as may be practicable, starting in the basem*nt of the chamber of commerce, and running through the exposition grounds, occupying altogether 3000 feet of space. The latest report was that the government of Mexico soon vvould send a diplomatic representative to El Paso to arrange not only for the official Mexican government display, but to see what arrangements could be made to have that display in juxtaposition to the Mexican village There will be a numb' of Mexican restaurants on the grounds, all the native industries will be illustrated by native operatives In native dress In the Mexican theater, which will be one of the chief attractions of Itartfuril Hun I.Ike II- I nil 111 EXHIBITED'f tins. av. Kownn, Ei-Prmident.

3IU. CARL LEE SMITH. Mils. If II. rillllsTIli this village there will be staged the 1 authentic folk dances of the Mexican people Horticultural A lllase.

The 'horticultural village" is to be managed by a committee of Ul Tafco women, of whom Mrs. A. W. Foster is chairman The horticultural village will In itself be a most profitably instructive factor, for It is the aim of those havinic the exhibit in charge to illustrate scientifically the means by which the semi-arid lands in this vicinity may be made to yield the choicest and rarc3t of blossoms, abundantly. Under the direction of Mrs.

Foster, hundreds of packages of flower seeds, relating to the hardier varieties of blooms, were distributed throughout this region last March, this enterprise being part of the work of the El Paso Women's club, in which Mrs. Foster is an influential member. Most encouraging reports of the success of the inhabitants of this region in cultivating the petunia-zinias and other common garden blossoms at that time distributed are being received. At the "horticultural village" there will be a sreat assortment of both cut and growing flowers, and there will be innumerable varieties of newly imported bulbs from Holland. Lectures and demonstrations with regard to the work will be given free to the public.

JUAREZ TO HOLD FIRST ELECTION SINCE MADERO'S On the eve of the municipal elections, Juarez presented a quiet appearance Saturday The supporters of the three candidates for mayor, J. Santiago Vazquez. Meichor Herrera and Alfonso Angulo, are all sanguine that their i respective choices will win. Scnor Vazquez, who was formerly In- LUIIEIIUI AV made claim Saturday to having secured I the farmer vote of the Juarez valley. I The result of the balloting Sunday lernai revenue collector at Juarez, will not be officially announced until rnursaay.

Sunday's elections, which will be held throughout the republic, will be me iirst since me lime oi jiauero. TWfl SPKEDEHS riMMl. Fred Piatt and A L. Cox appeared in justice of the peace Jas. Murphy's court Thursday evening in answer to a charge of speeding.

Botli pleaded not guilty and Cox was acquitted. Piatt was fined to and costs. Start September Itighl. There wilt be big business in EI Paso tins fall If -vour office eauipment is not up to full efficiencj. we can make It so ir it is used in an oriice.

you find it here iV VERY LIBERAL XTENDEJ Aluminum Ware Furnish your Kitchen complete with Aluminum Utensils, the most durable Kitchen ware. Large size seamless Aluminum Cake Pan with spout in center. Pnce S5c 9in. Pure Aluminum Layer Cake Pan. Price 25c Combination Aluminum Cooking 9 articles in one.

Price $3.50 Pure Aluminum Percolators. Priced up from Extra large Aluminum Pie Plate. rice 25c Pure Aluminum Fry Pan. Price 75c Pure Aluminum Lunch Pails. Never Rust.

Price $1.75 5qt. Pure Aluminum Deep Sauce Pan. Price $1.50 6 qt. Pure Aluminum Winsor Cooking Kettle. Price, Special $1.45 Aluminum Roasters.

Self Basting Kind, price $2.75 8 qt. Pure Aluminum Preserving Kettle. Price $1.25 6 qt. Aluminum Tea Kettle with Double Boiler inside. Price $3.50 Mail Orders Filled EYES EXAMINED Everv child, before going to school, should have their eyes examined by an Optometrist Geo Kendall, I2S Mesa Ave.

Makes Glasses r.ight. Adv. i (( My Boy, go to DRAUGHON'S- you are not competent3 OFFICE HELP WANTED Fverv lav we are besiejred bv business firms, not only in EI T.iso, but out of town fir Office Help. Tile demand exceeds the supply. WHY NOT ENROLL NOW? UV are specialists in fitting Boys and (iris to become Hii-ines Men and Women.

Weeniplov pcrnc sy-tems in every di'paitraent and vou will boL'in your business course Imp and now it will he onlv a short lnl until vou will be placed in a luintivc tim. YA ua'int EL VSO. TRX. R. Davis, Mgr.

S'7 "CASCI 1 ECO LIVER. BOILS Enjoy life! Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy and constipated. Get rid of bad breath, sour stomach, coated tongue, indigestion. Get a 10-cent box now. They're fine! Cascarets liven your liver, clean yocr thirty feet of bowels and sw eeten your stomach You eat one or two, like cand.

before going to bed and In the morning your head is clear, tongue Is cle.an, stomach sweet, breath right and cold gone. Get a box from our druggist and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced Cascarets stop sick headache, biliousness, indigestion, bad breath and constipation. Mothers should give a whole Cas-caret to cross, bilious, sick, feverish children any time They are harmless and never gripe or sicken. Adv. First National (prrfPHI HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE NOW that the Fall season is at hand, we want to impress on El Paso Housekeepers that it is in our Big Basem*nt they will get the Best Service El Paso.

Not only is the Kitchen supplied with everything needed but a general line of Household Hardware is offered. Special mention is made that our line of Bath Room fixtures and accessories is one of the largest in El Paso and prices the lowest. if 4m (fcgIl tjL fctfc 1 i3 1 i ii Tim ui i til" Buy a Combination Range for coal. Avood or gas. We are now showing a complete line of Combination Ranges, including the best known makes.

Prices range up from $58.50 If Life In Camp Becomes Monotonous Visit SILVER CITY, NEW MEXICO Coolest resort in the Southwest. Finest all-the-year climate anywhere. Beautiful mountain scenery: a chance to visit Fort Bayard, where the government's great sanatorium is located: swing around the circle to Santa Eita, Hurley and Tyrone, where mammoth copper mining operations are heing carried on. A week-end trip at small Plan to spend our next furlough at Silver City. For further information and literature, Address Secretary Chamber of Commerce, SILVER CITY, N.

M. 111 11 mi mi Pas Experience The experience of many EI Pasoans amply proves that the most substantial advancement is made by having a bank account to which regular deposits are made. Do not speculate. For safety start an account with us. 4 Percent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts.

American Trust and Savings i COAL Buy Your Winter's Supply NOW While it is Cheap Phones 35 and 36. BANKING BY HAIL A reQuest for our new free booklet, "Banking by Mail." carries with it no obligation to open an account. All we ask la "an opportunity to explain clearly why your savings should earn percent, and why your money will be absolutely safe If sent by mall to thi3 Institution. Xou may bare occasion to thank; Qs for this suggestion. Write to-day, and ask for our Now Booklet.

El Paso Bank and Trust Company A Guaranty Fund Dank. 1 Paso, Tex. SOUTHWESTERN WRECKING CO MINING, MILL AND POWER MACHINERY We give your orders our immediate and careful attention and fully guarantee even shipment. 115 Durango St. Phone 130 Miscellaneous Good pr.

Family Scales. Weighs up to 25 pounds. Price $1.50 Good 8 in. Butcher Knife. Price 35c Medium size Family Cleaver.

Made of best steel. Price 75c Planks for Planking Steaks. Price up from 90c Large size Meat Board. Price Good Maple Rolling Pin. Price20c 5 in.

Kitchen Bowl Strainer. Price 15c Food Choppers Ask for the Universal. Price: No. 0, 1, $125; 2, $1.50. Plated Mrxine Spoons, 14 in.

length. Price- 10c Individual Butter Moulds. Price Each Inc. El Paso, Texas COMPOUND INTEREST i ffiBSiBBSiiBBMLfllsHffUBBBESBiBBB l3MiSEI -t Vf i Commercial Office Supply Co. I McLean, Mgr, 109 Texas st dv 1 On Savings Accts..

El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.