Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Screen are Runs rom the Lethal to the Lamarrvelous STORYIN PICTUKtS: LOLLY IN HOLLY One Movie Star STATE SECRET close to her by I said to American tn Europ tcture um rather well 3:10 5:20 7:30 ALONG BROADWAY Be A Short Wait the Devil struggle that follows Lisa EDGE DOOM: In the given a one week return the word that all deals off Charles Luckman's architectonic (some woidi has more than 175000000 her will into con that time Desi has In fact I think seen a boy change so he has in the last few Rocking Horse Winner" English movie petered out downtown for lack of in DRIVE IN: Sum Garland 8:20 10:30 Way Out foments a 5:20 7:30 is return a Margaret Sharman's Ant her common right to have right to bring her child to New York told me to keep in good not going to do that call for and she gave no permission for the rebroadcasts When Clark Gable went on location to Durango Colo re cently an MGM man went along just to see that nobody intruded on his and Sylvia's privacy It's studio policy to keep hands off The King's pri vate life then of mother A LOCAL movie company's of fice Is giving prospective employes physical exams that are tougher than the Army's Bandleader Gene Williams is no coward He calls what his orchestra plays "Unrelent ing Travelers returning from the West Coast report Tay lor has her next husband all lined up Network officials' are very quietly trying to find a replacement for a comedy type television who has begun to believe bls press clip pings They're weary of his tantrums and bad manners The big bookies confide that the police sent back one week's customary topay the first and 15th' of the month Recently the bookies were plus were new firm in contracts already MOONLIGHT AND CAULILOWERS: Middleweight champ Ricardo Montalban risks his'title for June Allyson and goes down for the count in "Right Cross" the prizefight melodrama presently tenanting the Capitol TIME8 HERA LD JML Washington DC Sunday Octobib 15 1950 Jean and Stewart Rekindle Their Romance Jackie Still Goes for Grable ish Blondes By LOUELLA PARSON'S HOLLWOOD Oct 14 HERE'S plenty of buzz ing under that flaming red hair of Lucille Bail much that she keeps to to herself and confides only to her few close friends While Lucille Is popular and well liked there are only a few people who are really close to her Probably because she and Desi Arnaz are com panionable and compatible more so than the average hus band and wife Lucille going in why She a baby thing the SOME mighty illustrious careers have been carved out by actresses who specialized in roles of this nature Bette Davis for one and Joan Crawford for another You have only to look at Gloria sensational comeback to realize how good it is for an actress to be bad As the former silent movie queen in Gloria re duces an ex husband to the role of butler: se duces a young movie writer and winds up a com pletely degenerated madwoman By her efforts Gloria is the outstanding candidate for the Academy Award given to the performance by an The drawing power of a sinful woman explain why Hollywood when in disgrace with fortune and the public eye reaches for the drawer marked "The which terest Valerie Hobson portrayed an avaricious mother whose desire for money brings about the death of her young son Made from a short story by Lawrence "The Rocking Horse was a thoroughly engrossing movie Storm a rench production adapted and directed by Jean Cocteau benefits enormously from an intense superbly played performance by Yvonne de Bray as a mother whose unnatural attachment for her son leads her prematurely to her own death Yes a good woman is hard to find but a bad one has so many redeeming qualities ONCE Lucille and Desi sepa rated and it looked as if it might be all over After they went back together she told me (and I think I wrote it in another Sunday story) knew there was never any one in the world for me but Desi and that we might have our ups and downs just as many people have But I'd rather quarrel and make up with him than anyone else in the Since changed ever much as years When I first knew him he was a playboy an overen thusiastic young Cuban too ex citable too emotional Now a lot of that has worn down I saw him and Lucille while we were vacationing in Del Mar He went to mass with me car ried my groceries home for me and we played canasta I ac tually saw both Lucille and Desi more than I would see them normally in Hollywood in a year knows where she is this year 1950 and is determined to have She is doing every book says the doctor prescribes and sense tells her is that child Only the few know what a blow it was when she and Desi lost their ex pected baby after ten years of the first time Lucille ever had any hope of becoming a mother "I've changed my whole pro gram Lucille going to a gym health and any comedies physical strain I was in bed for three weeks after I made Brush "Now going to do only two pictures a year either quiet comedies or somber dramas Nothing that will make me stand on my head or hang by my eyebrows from a The Outsider Robert lem ing Sheila Sim Dupont Tuesday Saddle Tramp JoelJMcCrea Hendrix "Keith's Wednesday State Secret Douglas air banks Jr Glynis Johns Playhouse Wednesday Desert Hawk Yvonne De Carlo Richard Greene Capitol Thursday Dakota and The Showdown Metropolitan Thursday Two lags West Linda Dar neH Joseph Cotten Palace Thursday Copper Canyon La marr Ray Milland War ner Thursday UNORTUNATELY for the studios the device is not foolproof The public's allegiance is only to women who are no better than they ought tobe Not to any who are worse than they can possibly be or this reason Joan wide eyed minx in To Be gets1 nothing but hee haws from the customers In this delectable little item from RKO Joan bats her eyelids and works her mouth furiously in a style of acting that was popular about the time of a came into being In a society peopled with rich men writers and artists types who are expected to have amodicum of she turns heads as "WiftTy as' a drill sergeant bawling "Right Zachary Scott for example breaks off his engagement of long standing with innocent Joan Leslie merely on the basis of a thin suggestion planted by Miss ontaine whom he knows for only a matter of a few weeks! Lana Turner comes off somewhat better in Life of Her which ought shortly to be making the rounds of the neighborhood thea ters but this is only by grace of her own good looks and her performance The story is ye olde eternal triangle includ ing the Inevitable wild party wherein Lana abandons herself to making whoopee to hide a broken heart Again the results are less dra matic'than amusing Altvayt on the Ball It Pretty Lucille By Ernie' Schier COMPLAINT you can hear in most any after dark bistro sung by a chanteuse standing in the beam of a deep blue spotlight is dedicated to the proposition that "a good man is hard to I know if the situation has Improved any but a quick survey of some recent movies both current and but lately departed indicates the problem has spread to encompass the other sex A good woman is getting mighty hard to find too Speaking about the theater this is not exactly news A bad woman is always a couple of shades more entertaining to ponder than a virtuous one Bear in mind please that this is not a moral judgment but an aesthetic one There's a heck of a lot more drama in a woman who breaks the laws of society than in one who observes them cleaned up three who were mak ing corner speeches in the mid town area the other night At least one gent in the State department makes sense He has a Big Crush on Myrna Loy Sharman Douglas fng to England as of Princess Rose even though dad has resigned as bassador to Britain ANIMAL AND MINERAL: Hedy Lamarr is a mining and smelting tycoon in "Copper Canyon" which may account for the lode in Ray Mil land's eye The film which brings them together isa western period piece tailored" along" epic lines" It' arrives' Thurs day at the Warner and the "Ambassador Theaters By Dorothy Kilgallen NEW YORK Oct 14 EAN SIMMONS and Stew art Granger have rekindled the spark in a big way He bought her a ring at a ifth avenue jewel shoppe the other day and intimates think wedding bells are in the offing Jackie Coogan a bachelor again is proviiig he still adores lush Grable ish blondes The new girl in his life is Jean Wal lace ex wife of ranchot Tone Insiders expect Gen Mac Arthur to retire dramatically as soon as he has wrapped up the Korean situation in typical MacArthur fashion They say general like being pushed around by the White House any more than the ma rines One of Mexico's leading film comedians left town in a big hurry last week when a local girl threatened him with a paternity suit Ginger Rogers tells her pals her romance with Greg Bautzer is definitely all over playwright Robert Sherwood about to be summoned back into the government to serve in more or less the same capacity in which he worked for DR? Yvonne De Lew Ayres met the other day for the first time and looked at anyone else since Elaine Barrie (she was married to John Barrymore is threatening suit against NBC for rebroadcasting recordings of voice She claims her voice was in the diacs too "THREE another recent entry 1 was fabricated on the theory that three erring females are that many times as interesting as one It didn't quite work out that way The story asked the customers to believe an enormous coincidence girl slfBh "born without benefit of clergy each born on the same day each given up for adoption on the same day to the same institution! Sleeping City'L a minor Suspenseyafn sef in New YorksB'enevue Hospital 'offered' uo Colleen Gray as a nurse who is involved in a narcotics racket The hitch here stemmed from the fact that the evil in Miss Gray was pretty much of a secret until the final scene One get worked up about a bad girl If kept under wraps Although the foregoing would seem to indicate that the type in question is losing her effective ness two films from abroad have upheld the standard CHERYL CRAWORD avers that her production of has been because the music is not completed not because of politics in the (Well a Yip Harbourg script without politics would be a real novelty and I wait to see it) Alan Ladd lend his house to charity parties any more Last time he turned over his ranch to a benefit some of the guests staged a brawl and he wound up with all the bad publicity Secretary of State Acheson is sitting on the solu tion to the ormosa problem It will hit print around the first of November Elsa Schiaparelli has been doing the town with John AldenTalbot papa of the playboy 4 Selene Walters has been steering clear of the limelight modeling to make a living working in a nursery' in her spare time She says it takes her mind off her prob lems while she waits for the next round in the court battle with her ex husband over her THE THEATER Old Refrain About a Good Man Taken to Heart by Movie Galt AL JOLSON plans to make an other trip to Korea Abbv Greshler turned down a settlement offer from MCA in the Martin and Lewis case He intends to pursue it in the courts A couple of State department security Jnvestiga tors are haunting an ifty fifth street night and not for fun Vic Damone's new Mercury contract guarantees him $45000 a year for the next five years Billy Conn's kid brother Jackie has an unusual kayoing Communists He PLOTTING AN ESCAPE: Eluding his guard Dr Marlowe takes in a music hall where he meets Lisa (Glynis Johns) a beautiful English born song and dance girl Marlowe tells her he is in deadly danger and the two decide to flee together In the manhunt that follows Marlowe becomes the Mnnpv in the thousands has been pouring in to his campaign headquar ters And so many of the dollar bills are from Average Joes Paul Trivers and Nelson Algren have finished their script based on Man With the Golden but those who have read it imagine it getting a Johnston office okay SOMEHOW It" is "difficult to think of Lucille in somber drama She is essentially a fun iSitlt i people life and most every thing She is one of the wittiest girls in our town and one of the gayest But knowing I am convinced that she keep her word and get perfect health and centrate on the hope hood must her your busy strenuous personal appearances in so many theaters with Desi was re sponsible for your losing th "I don't Lucille said nI think sometimes things are just meant to be "Yet I am not going to take any chances Dest is going to make it possible so I have to travel to see him He is going to open a night club and bring his band to the Sunset strip instead of "going "to the hinterlands "We hate to be separated and it seems ever since I mar ried him I have been dashing by plane to htar been dashing to see me Now that won't be I can say that this determina tion to have a family is not a one woman campaign by any means Desi is just as eager as Lucille to have a family He and Lucille have a per fect understanding This un derstanding come over night It took long years of being together MRS OSCAR HAMMER STEIN is decorating the new apartment of her future son in law Henry onda riends believe Henry and Su san will be married some time In November probably in the country Mayor Impellitteri's support ers are amazed by the public reaction of the past few days hundreds ot MOUNTAIN LIGHT: With the help of a native guide Dr Marlowe and Lisa make their way into the Dolomite moun tains hoping to reach Italy After undergoing innumerable hardships and with freedom in sight they are overtaken by their police atate pursuers THE Both are taken into custody as enemies of the tt lust as death before a firing squad appears inevitable Under fate intervenes The film will' arrive Wednesday at the Playhouse JOURNEY INTO TERROR: Dr John Marlowe (Douglas airbanks jr) a distinguished surgeon visits a Central European country to receive a scientific medal While there he stumbles onto a highly important state secret which threat ens to disrupt the dictator run country and is arrested Col Galcon (Jack Hawkins) With the Times of Today's eatures AIRPORT: Broken Arrow 7:00 9:15 Cartoons 6:30 8:30 AMBASSADOR: Rocky Moun tain Errol lynn and Patrice Wymore settle their own Civil War 1:00 9:45 BELTSVILLE mfr Stock Gene Kelly 7 9:35 CAPITOL: Right Cross Ri cardo Montalban knocked out of the ring into June Allyson's arms 1:40 4:25 7:10 10 Stage 3:45 6:35 9:20 COLUMBIA: Cassino to Korea 1:15 3:45 6:20 8:55 Doorway 2:20 4:55 7:30 10:05 DUPONT: The Walls of Mala paga Jean Gabin Isa Mi randa and love In the ruins of Genoa 1:40 3:40 5:35 7:35 9:35 KEITH'S: Walk Softly Stranger Joseph Cotten abandons a criminal career for love of Valli 1:25 3:30 5:30 7:35 9:40 LITTLE: lesh and antasy 1 4 7:05 10:15 Suspect 2:35 5:40 8:50 METROPOLITAN: ury In the Sky 1:25 4:45 8:05 ighting Command 2:45 6:05 9:25 MT VERNON OPEN AIR: Steamboat Round the Bend 7 10:30 Purple Heart 8:50 NATIONAL: Sunset Boulevard Gloria Swanson William Hol den 1:20 "5:35 7:40 9:50 PALACE: Mister 880 Edmund Gwenn as a loveable old coun terfeiter with Dorothy Me Guire and Burt Lancaster 5:40 "7:45 PIX: Baboona 1 3:05 515 9:30 1 Married Adven ture 2 4:05 6:15 PLAYHOUSE: No Racial prejudice not 1:10 3:15 9:40 PLAZA: aust and New Italian production of Gounod's opera 1:20 3:05 50 6:30 8:15 10:00 i i i TRANS LUX: Eyewitness Rob ert Montgomery meets mur der and mirth in a small Eng lish village 1:30 3:45 6 7:55 9:50 WARNER Mountolnr (See Ambassador) 1:10 3:10 8:20 7:35 9:50 MB vs I la I 9 1 JI A I I I I1L ligl A 1 IB IP Bl: Bl I Jh I Hl LJK 't Ba 1 1 iliP (fMMjBr' hk i wgMI i Hk TlM JMhr A amssiaMm Brj 1 1 MH 1 'K 1 i a Winn IE JJf 41 i Vh 1 1 Sv.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.