The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

45 DEATHS DEATHS vuii 'Ctaum A-! L. uTa Tht Boston Clobt Wednesday, April 25, J37J I DEATHS DEATHS DEATHS DEATHS al 411 Si. i April H. .0 Alula, af Maid) SW-i 111, td Tiui-fc4 ai Hill. iiti.a lw 7ia3 01UTUAUIKS W(4 It aA4M lh UU frnk ia4 Aim.

1S B-Wiih .1 fun. wTi.l.?3 rifa fcitt tra (If lu.ativaa i wj. 4 1- ri ra. yii fcw.tMfe kJy S1" 4 -r M4ai IPf i.4 tall lka ru-. iial Uaaa la.

aaaail llnianlanl tMUli. runl rB Ihi KaaJa JO. It tlx. lai.a. li 1 Lcuis If.

Dacon Wryinuulli Icatlirr wnfrl Mrvicei will -y 2 ro. in Mortimer H. Perk Funerl Home, 516 Washington Brin-tiee. for Lewis H. Bacon 71.

retired Weymouth teacher, who died in Florida. Mr. Bacon, a Newton native, lived in Weymouth (or 30 yean and moved to East ham after retirement. He taught auto mechanics in the vocational department of Weymouth High School for 30 years. Mr.

Bacon was a 33d degree Mason, a member of the Dalhouxie Mason Lodge in Newton, the Aleppo Temple Shrine in Boston and the American Legion Post in East (AM bUWI W2mZ MTvMif Ctmt-i Bui WlMf Of Juha Jf el UM fj tSJUSSaTTl IDNK W.tMira. aul4a.l A.H llulltB. JaaaBH 1. 4IB4KlaV0, mWw lormttlv abb MaCaB ef al a ranKlMa N. Cwlaa.

altlar atil a i Mi. M.rlo(.f J. bun At woMI, hichuia. Of ViaiOtra, Pinli.n A. Wnuum VvtAnt Cabukb Ualntwi fu.

pat, finnt fk W.K Raacht iJlrints s1 jrrrv frr--i r. i terfSKhS 1 fMt Mil. I'kriMIn A. eHt al win funtiel krvu.t ili Jl luntral Maaa in Jehn't I MI4 Iht Lbui. to.

if Biomwm.1 tVlttklt on Thml iiTV I uo. e.n ih Chanel wtdntaaa 1 4 and 1-B am. Lata! pwflfull Ibvu.4. ant owat Inn am Buitf ot tvtitll. Ca.oct of Of H.uiu.

jrnn. awi-i all a lMiMn I nt. ak A t. WHIMIM I ol KAUtAIIBBa Bl HMtT-f fkidbury ill turn. auddtmr A oft Bkailf Anna T.

WW. 1 0., a. uU.m a (if aU RcImiU, Wuliam RORINSOtr' norrhartaf. April 11. Uiaaaun.t.

U. au iWiett, uu.v4 hutbuua GWMtkt IM.iiu)), (tlr el Doutial ken, of Mar Mi a. ind Ual4 k. Irani rf. Zli for of Jar wm wivia rmw ui i i.

-ft. i a at. i latum, kaialiua of Ruin Klwa1 Biurp (lanitf klllrl tthaa. Jetamiah F. Thorn t.

Kxhwinna, and KrttltnA, all of Btwdxa, ond Alan Gprumt e( i J. 2.1 Va i Mi JLB JahnaBii vrittl klKam fU auivlwU by a UKhnn rllia; atuvutd bv a hint wraniai-anaiii yrui aaytvnatt iMklllinis. ka vi in. i tiaut. ruiftal K.iv.,1-(.,, Tliurtjral I om at Inr R.i a yddtnlv Apfil inc roiuul Noma Thuiaiat ,7 I iir evtun toirti of Wtrmum 1 Maiaaitt Aun in iMHfoni o.m.

Ratativtt and liltnd tnviitd. juittiAon noma, 14 W'anan kl oeur. tiallvt and Ir'anda Invllad loi (land llva tunaia Inm ilia ItiaWl Uj ilon ind Mi iw tmtZ. fiutMi m'Ti n.t: rtmlly pmrnl "'III10. Ualllrl V.

Ilrniitna 1 1 aaUMi I IK 1 K.fb u. I union .1 mimub iua em I II a. inn lnviiaj Vi.nina tht lunrral HamM. Lautlla L. Ttart, William A ft! tunarai no, oat uneoin avo IM Clf, on Thuiada a a rtuurral Alaaa at Our Lao of Aa.

Iiirnm Inulrd. nt, Tiutlaon. Iltitn nd iiwruit lr- CambndM. Joaabh f. and La-I f.nharn and bioihar of Jamat el RI'tTIO Of Mtdford.

I mti.rrlr all kbaflollo Tucl*tT. F. auixuiton Churth. Hit. 1.

Xynnfia.d. I 10 m. Inunffltnl In Rivtrtida lanco M. Kirk, both el Ntiaton. Waiooia.

and tht talt JoMn i uMarUat. Adiii m. tlcalt iNat-i llcniiraM't, -n. kulaat in arllaai In WW It vjtta. vmuno oouti rwi 1-0.

Jntnrnitnt ComtWrYr HwAUnd. t'inti. Wl't pf llw I-1 An KlltabrlB U. icm'. Bauiua.

rnntaa mat rail Currtri. and faiha 111 I 1 Piui auk of trnltmilt And UliTlam J. Klik of fu-1 naraj Irom bar nMldfua Jo kloiaa' Ntotunvi ia. Thuiadair at a. in ivuvtru Bom oa woanM abJ i- 1- Emio.

Moihtt ol Jmnir Cwnno.l uty Saniot and Vmrtnl Hue. in, I'irr vt Oarlnia Alao aui Kant. Maty ntl by. Ilt tamlilillaian and Kunui Mi. Fllllllrt aallrt a a Tuintr, A.

F. Viola. Vimrni Waitakin. A Whrlan. John While, tin hard Of LAxlnnan.

Aotil 14. runtral fivm tht Cltarr t'unttal hom*o. lo Trtmont it naar M.t ion Church. MI11I0M MlU kUXnl'Rl. 00 VrOrvraoAy.

AMI) al A a ro. Haouiam runaral I ATOM Jmca nith nana 01 ivriv trvivtd ongrta omao.B, cw a. iKlovatl nuauantl balovad hua. lanurnimrrn uli Wrvnvuulti apt 11 14. Date WavmuutB Astll 1J.

rn y.inci.l Im aianiuhildfrn. unri .1 1 am Kul.T-l Mau II) Itnaltua lliuirh. tbcttiul Mill. Tniuaaajr Hi lo a m. KIIMUtth Igaunucrti Builon tf 3 C.

Brack-Ant. r. band vt lUtut r-Fiif" rullini o( Citen Tift Lint ratntr of C- Mau In th MiMion Oiurci. oiaaw lun. l.ouia.

Mii Anne I I piuny laiiitr of Ruirt tiAlmaiurdi brotlitr of lllfa. rrtlW KITI'MI Of Rtvtro. Aoril 11.1 10 a ntlallVM and trtrrus amn Ind Mlat JeaoohlM rit4 What. Thtiraa I vihilrliouae. kdiih iwm noatit nornt.

au ntmHtr. Hair til A VHHiiu.r. T.J Klik. ai.h lay at o.m Funrral Ma. in nthnnv I I hurrh, rV.inr-i villa at Mltntn.

hum Rogtr Funeral Hnrn. mid Ainaslty, Mary atitirrtoj oay Ami biim Carl" A Oaiulalo. PBllla Lambart II farniai a 1. I Matt KfllfrMif Ol r- rly ol Bii Moun ly invll'O to taoci.t. Vl.inm lull.

Mra. CoTntarl tavoa. iiaicoAtulru, Mailt Marwiiuiii larWilliam. llnaiAOt alaai atirvlvao bv a liAl.o- aura i HHiBr i uiar nn i today i ew anaj mrt. aui kilorr.

V.j y. Ilarhaia vriorta i. prtcvu. uui Gloria ni. Halaiives and friends rranect- Kukla, K.

A. He leaves his wife, Marion (Higgins); a son, Uwia H. Bacon 3d of Reading, two daughters, Mrs. ltiyllis Bruce of Orleans and Mrs. Priacilla Picard of Wrightstown, a brother, Roger Bacon of Maine: a aister.

Mrs. Jane Maclntire of Waban; and nine grandchildren. 4 Burial will be iti Blue Hill Cemetery in lain Avt "Huaband of U'O lair Ur- hour lha i Aiuuckiti. faihrrol MitJ luimttly el Marion 11 Eva-ia of franklin and' hi ilitn ruiioral irow i0, fciouiiateV runVtai Mixion cnurcn i-ain Tiinmaaort, KIU ltwt, Wtl, Maurlrt Woadward. W.

iJU-yiuoiiian, N. V. ruiiy mviieu viMiini hour weA.i. 1 and Thursday i-4 and 7 i a urvno. juan utyiio all I coi A.

KiichaB of Critii. Fu MrlNSI In Hronknr. AoHl niou'n ttibiricr et liinita rtrritnoi uicther oi Liitufa ima si-, on rruuy niofiiini ti MrrrimAe i Sii 7.i iirl by funtral III ftoiTON. Thili. T.

5'i' Hrvt'tnd) atonaimor inaraa til wtyttiuuth and Uia iata Audit Mclnnla, pastor of Oi utui lr.1,1. Leo aHliacO. Uoualda natal Kivii'ta. itl bt haul at iht: Ch.pal of (I'hdtraon -Co. Oil Hioadway., on Thurtdayi at 1 1 am. riitndJi may tall al uitl 1I AI.I.F.T Ib Wolmrn. Aorlt l. La-idi. kiaiy A.

Anno T. iFoitvi of IS wile of the lut Thorn F. of Mia Jines 'Flu niijnr. nwaa riiiO fiwndi inviu.0. cauinc iii- of tht Prastnlallon chutcn.

rhureh. North Bauart. Roaln A Uaiulaio runtral Irom tha McDonald runtral Homt EAt TH cor ol Charlc, Mlddlr n. ali ton Bflovtd broth tr of Mr, rrtd Itriuri Tnurxi tvtnmi i-t p.m. JO a.m.

RWatlvat and ftit-nda In. ha pal. Tunday 7-. woantaaay HI. at t'antral Sol Thuralav at vio.

viMiini haurt. Tuaaday, (AarSl0 Af Brookllnt. Aoril a ana 1-0 Ol. Pm and Wtdnta a in. fuiwroi In iht Immacu- aoay a- ana 1 itch.

M. I Mary i Daisy ol Brook-ne Vialtlni. hnuts at tht. McNs-ir runerjj. Jtofita.

40.Wahin -l RL. RI0HT0N at Lake i attnafarUv. 1-4 and 1-1 Mon Una Co icrption Chur. at i or Matupan, urn. 21.

Myrd tarotnttr 8ici? will at Iht runral at Iht runral Hmnt, orm i laiwinn. air. nicnara lannri rm Mi ire. Thomas and William Ncuilev. Staler of Mrs.

Karri (iail.arvrr. Mri John Bame and1 DFATH IVmita Foley. Funaral Irom the tvtAina M. Lauthlin Funis al Home. 14 ociocr.

lu-iaiivvt ind rrienoa m- 1 vrhinftun BROORI INR. April 14 viled. Vtaltini hour Tueatlav it jfaveri iTenaili! beloved ite of Ktla-I on IBifKUy at II o'clock. tiinaK.Mvlnim.wlil UtJn aie pur tidy of tht Proaeiiulion TKttr.rfaw. I-B CI skll- April Edward 4-.

btlovtd hut-band of Ltannt iPtroiai olid dr. voted father of Den la Edward A and Jtaanett L. ton of Waller and Janlna iKanmowskai Kukla. brother of Mra Btenhen I ima i' "i nng nranriur arm i-w o.m. Kindly omit notwrra.

Krttred UVta and itlcnoi rt invuco. S7 I Jrl. momtr oi Antonio of Mclroaa. Jo.toh oi I gtrjaafit at Vllilll AS. at WMITl- Of Arlinalon.

Apr. 14, 1119. iticnuld Al. ol 4. I'ark ay.

aal. SuAi tmjlort Inlcritd Ravonuo btrvlcr Ma Thuradaw tnornllta at 1 CAUfXtA Of Orlrnl Htithtt. Kat io rtsnerai alas at St. Lliailr Church ai 10 am. vimiini hour Tue.d.y 7-.

Wtdnetday 14 and 7 aim inn imniitration urpt an Past Bona am. a uneral mass win vm coni Matalk of Maryland, nephew of Vrnerablo Weymoutli Loddt ra-llyrafted Wanp andNlcolo of Maiden, Alto funeral from The Ralvalort Mocco Main IttRKTT. I'rlrjar at 1. nosy mornina ai im nvaiun. u.

rauia will. tha late Nlco a. Mra. Trent Jon ol Clark" Summit. no rca.ur nf Italy, Pail Grand frca.urer of o'clocst.

Rtlatnei. nd Irie-ids In-i uneral Irom tha Walter 01 Luioonu anu aiait uioliii Of aallel M. Law aun ol AgulKiuil, iMvia J. of Arltiiaton. brivur al AaViile Funeral Home.

41B Maaa. AHI.INOIil.V inur.l, rtiu an a 1 10 a m. Calilni liuur Wtdntaday 7-1 p.m. ru Mothrr of 'rancr UUoattll. Caiiillla firuvalla.

VlnMnl. Mary all ol niOI.l. In Wareham, Aoril 13, vnprj. intariotnt nniy raniuy Rockland, Mas. runtral nomt, am ixiyao Maaa In SI.

Anthony Church, tver- Cummins Hlihwar. MATTAPAM. i.ranri council and rut bupitm deltaatt. Oil Of Rtonrhsm. April 23.

William A. of III Summer hut-band of the late 1.111 lOtaraodl and li A In Nradham. April 13. and Friday at I runtral 81 iy iillaiin) srnnn, Head IH The llay Hurrata Bar Hrlnved hu-baiid) Mary L. kcholl, Mr.

A Mrs. nihll are Inmi.r r.i.ti,i .1 Villi HOI HI. in Medlonl. April Anieli't Church al Vlsilmi Maiy P. ICouihllni.

WHO ol WaUrr hour Wtdntaday T-. Thursday Mill, moihtr Walter nou" D0MAL01ON In Bonton. Anril 14 lutlier ol William 0. ol Wakefield. IVilliaiii and Judith Ann Mills.

I m-ivoh wiie 01 tilt iaie lhaiiea Ulliusliouae ami 4. 7-R. fci.t IW.lon. Natalie DcVlto. Oraca Ktrancit both Hevtre.

Sarah Mo- 'cltctti of Jouph pl tanw lintltr. Jotaptttnt Saia of Everttt. CoiinUr Slininuna of Otortia and the lata Nicolrtia LeDuc. AIo aur-vivtd by twenty five iirandchtldrm and atxteen frrat-irandchitdrcn. funeral Irom Iht lUpino Meniorul Home.

Chelaea IMAVtRUK, DULARRI. Friday at B. Funtrjl At lyjirua Church at 9. Sitter of Elhtl C. Mill.

Fu icmH Maaa at 8l Bartnolomtw Clnucii, Ruth Allen of Kalamalon. Mlilu-aan. Funeral Service at tht Smith funeral Chapel, 42 Main Si ITCIM.II AM, on Thursday. April 2. Iharlealown.

Mas, and l-el'ortr. ic.x.;.. J4 Brquitm ill lie "TifL Vrdnriy. Au'il 24. IU am.

al St. Muigrc' Church in Hu-farrla B-y. V'lIlinl hour will lie held ot Tht Nuknwn tlnume Fu neral Horn. in HOlR.Nt, 2-4. 7-1 Tut-Mlay.

April 14. Of Whitman. April! 24, Mary Kuse ipjuli, beloved wife, of Louis L. Laduuceuri motntr of Mr. I W' iJune Hlll.l Gerald and Elm P.

Ladou.eur and the late Merrill Ladouctur. untral liom tht reldence ol her ton. Iti South WHITMAN. Fridny April 27 SIB Funeral Thurso ay. APrll 1 a.m.

Im hour the Eaton Funeral Home. 13J1 Hllhlnd Tuesday. 7-. Wrdnntlay 1 7-, In lieu of flowrrs. memorial mav Iw sent to the Cilovcr Memorial llns-oital Memorial Fund.

Graduate ol briovid aunt 01 Thelina Urcaury ol llii. ur I. ill runi'ial trrviK-t lo ot hrid at Junn J. Donovan runer-III lio.ii... IHI (Jli AMHHlUl.K, Thuraday al 1 p.m.

Helauvr and Irirnaa ate invited to allrna. Lait ic.iuenc Wl Axchaiii Meuluiu. WIT Suddenly, In Brookllnt, Aoril 24. 181 J. ftlauirct Wil 01 lul ion-mouih dtvotcd husband of Marina 1 uassim 1 11 it.

ana lutner a p.m. rrlenils may rail on Thurtday pvt. 7-1. Thoto drslrlnt may live in his memory to St. Jarne United MethodiM Church, aloneham.

Relative and Irlendt Invited. Vit Msttapan. Alice Domildaon, formerly of thel fredenki Home. Dcacone-. R.I.! jurvivtd by a nlcoe Mm.

Jo.cohlnr! Ilolmr of Stonerldie. N.Y. Funeral Service at the Waterman Chapel Thurdy. April if rn-. Frlendi may call at the chapel Wednesday 1-4, 7- p.m.

DOMIKRU In Everett. April 23, Arthur J. beloved husbando! fcuV abclh iFcireitli. and father of Jotin A. ol Maiden.

Lorraine E. Kill and Edward A. Dondrro. oth of Everett! brother of Bratiiro DU nino.L0'. r-verett.

Lucy Konikowsltl of Chelsea, and Mario Janten of la. Al. aur vi I.u i a.ikii i nuuigrr i oe- Ini hourt Wedncaaay Tnuraoay 2-4 and 7-. Inlrrmenl Womllawn Cemetery. Late member of Our Newion-weiltsiey itnspitai.

r. I I'lllii; I v. a i yias ai ine nniy unw nurrn 10 a.m. Relative nd frarnds rt- 10 a.m. Relative and frarnds atilcli.

C. of Milium. Allien fc. Di illluill. and Robert Kt I.

Society. St. I Mi Carmel SJ m'w'Jsl'filmolh' liilhway. Harold Wit uf New York Lily and I'hlliu H. V.11 ni Uklna u.a.

(Parkini rear vi sotctfully invited. Visiting houri al oValniree April it of her son's resident Wednesday l-R. tjlri Ml 7-R. illnl.l,0wT Iturut tnurrn. I of luncral hom*o I (acorge McCIain Muftic tcofher Funeral services will he tomorrow at 1 1 a.m.

in St. Mark's Congregational Church, Roxbury, for George McCIain, 49, a niusic teacher at Copley High School, Back Bay. Mr- McCIain, of 31 Lambert Roxbury, died Saturday at Boston City Hospital. He had tiught at Copley High for the past three years. Born In A.rivj,ie, N.C., Mr.

McCIain was a gradu oeiovea nusoana oi Mliaieu it ICuslckl Clcason. ilo turvivrd bj a son and dauahiee in law. Thnm I nn.ylvnnia. ai.u survived ny. 4 Iranurhildirn.

Funcil Srrvkt al a a.f Unniht ol Hit kaximan Funeral humr, fti A. and Rita tBairyi Oleason, CAVASAt CH In Lowell. Aorti 14. Roter r. Cavanauth of IRRIv-.

Rri t'hotmatord: beloved -vvn-i in DrwiiRiiiie. asprii aa. ilury A. "Marle'f iBenOlO. belovetl vile of the latt John Leo l.nndry.

cuidtnre 110 Brownt t. mothtr of I reidai Hnabury. ai.ter oj Joseph of Mal-ileri. and Lugrnt Boulger of Hpriu'- Blo survlvrd Iiy grand, hll drrn. FMiicral 110,11 I he Allied 1) Thuina uneral Hume.

4 Fremont H' Aye. 1 tTT -rAN. Thursday morning at 8, rjla.a in 81. Angela cTiuich I 0. Vialiing huuia Tursduv 1-B.

Myttt M. Cook, and Stephen i Monahan of Quincy. Mra. Aiicrn L. Maalrtt nf njocklnn and Mia Mill' Arllnnton i mon ai eoiiiiT 01 unvt.l BOM ON.

on Thur.d,iy, Atuil at r. and two randchlldren. and Timothy, brother oi the Francis Gleason. Funeral Newton dnoort of yf Mrs. Joscphint it A.

Herman of Bralntree: alsler of Park R. Dauphin of Nova scnttn. Landry. USMC. husband of the lata Lucleone i Achln i tavanaufhl 'her of jr.

nf Lowell and Centre. Gtorst Con L. Pai Paul dren. Funeral from Iht Salvatnrt Rocco at Son Funeral Home. XII Mam EVERETT.

Thursday, it B. Funeial Man in St. Anthony 0 ni. iiuerinrnl In Icniiue Ohaliei halom Ceillcr Ctineivry In Aaial Huaton. WOODWARD Of Burlington, for- mr aunn a nicAvoy runtral Home.

2 3 Mas. Arllntton on Friday. April 27 at a.m. followed William Cavanaulh of Dracut. 2 SI Yuma.

Landry of iroqkllnf and MrAlulteT. CoulV of Brookline; sister of AugusMs TW-iaII nf F.aal Hnilnn. James of pecoslng al Iht Jotepn Sweetie; KheralHoma. 74 ftrnSL. Ol'INC' CENTER.

until Jhurnds Ntl liny Wednesday i-4 7 Formerly of Camhrld.e! Mra ia iLuelllei Robt- Rf. ny a tuncrai mas ra by a funeral mass cnurcn at :15. Relative, and Mends invliwl Vi.i,i- I nicrly ul ixxlngiun, April t. William C. lllluunrryi oil Mldnli-- tiiille ol Tynlaboro.

Mr. Lout mnrnlna. Funeral Mass in tsl. Church at 10 o'clock, Rcl Dutrii. i ranaakn nf Chelmsford: Turnpike, Uurilngton, beloved 2-4 Lo' WWII frockton and Mrs.

Anna. Slight of rightnn; also nurvlved by 7 rndehildren Funeral from the mono invitea. visiting nours Wednesday 7-8 and Thursday 2-4 iiuioaim 01 me laie Hum (446 Huron ave.) In Lincoln. Am it1 Ji' beloved huaband of Rrh iliealvi Slu-a, Father of Mary ram-ea Shra. Mrs.

William (Margaret! "McCarron and Mra. kd- brother of John C'avanauisri of Lowell. Daniel Cavanaulh of Llw-i rencc ind Edward Cavanaulh of illaydcl Woodward, lather ol Win ana l- p.m. DONOVAN Nancy, of Oulney. fac Church.

Garmsnlown. al '00. Relative and Irltnds are ieiwert-fully Invited to attend. Vlltln hour Wednidy 2-4 and 7 1 n.m. Interment WoodUwn Cemtttry, Everett.

George J. Lacy Funeral Homt, yit Anr I '1 1DJ1 al 1 a throp anu ntirtnan L. and Norma F. uoili of ilz ii me ueiovea onuun tee nf Kt Lexington. Arnold K.

ol Acton, Arnold GRAHAM Of Burlington. April 24. Scrauna (Motsci iMr, Ctwster H.i Graham ol South Bedford Rd i lVthertnti Henncberiy. Also C. ol llurllngton and the MONROE A.

Louise of Pembroke, Donovan of 24 Holme -of fem" Patricia Ann. Mark. trancU Jean Helen John J. and Janice M. Donovan, all of the home addrens.

Relative. mH our aiuars ni. wuoiiwara. Also survived by IU grandchildren and IJ great- giunili hililien. Funeral irom mother of Herman D.

of Burlington and William F. of Westoiook, Maine. Sister of Vernon Morse of Kingston. N.5. Services at the Gra Harvard BROOKLINE.

Friday moitviiK at followed bv a Funeral Matt In. St. Aidan't Church at I 10 o'clock. Relative and friends lie kindly Invited. Visiting hours Wednesday evening 7-R.

Thursday 1-4 and 7-R m. Interment St. Joseph' Cemetery. If desired, contribution my be lent to Mass. General Hospital Cancer Research Fund CiPini ZJ.

wilt oi inr iai a-U" lonroe. mothtr of France King nf Cleveland. Ohio: George I- wife of the o' tranociilioien. Brother of Sarah Goodwin. Mrs.

Jo.eph (Helm) $cnnell and the hue Margaret Coady and Mary Funeral from tht G. ond Son Home, Huron AMHKIIllJI Sat urday. April 21 at a.m. Funeral I he. McCarthy Memorial Homt.

Hll! Lowell: alao 10 iranacnuaren ana i great grandchild. Kriend may call at jhc Fav JEnneril Home. 105 'Moore LOWELL from 1-9 on Wednraday and from 2-5 and 7-9 'on Thurtday. Friend who wlh I may donate lo the Heart Fund. Fu- ncval Hlih Mai at the Sacred Heart Church.

Lowell Friday mnrn-, ina at 10 o'clock, Burial in St. Pat-' rick'i Cemetery In Lowell. ham Funeral Home. 3 Arlington Di-aiota l.t.AiMJTON on friend an respectfully invited to attendthe funeral from the Keo- riMi-Alirt P. Monroe of Pembroke.

Alan roe of Milton nd lister of Walton of Roxbury. Funeri nununn. rnuuv ni o.m. Visiting hours. Thursday 2-4 and 7- inursuay morning al a.m lol-lowed by a Funeral Mas at St.

Briaid'B Church. Lrxllialm, Hi III ral service n.anNri.1V'arSU?,W1 18S Hanco*ck W0LLABT0N Thursday at :15. Fur Church. Cam- raui a cnurcn. lam- at the Shepherd Funeral Homt, in Mrs.

Landry memory. I. avails' fn FlnrtdA o'clock. Relatives and friend In "i iway ai i ClOl'K. I o'clock.

Church' Se See Sharp Relatives and Invited. Visiting hours id Friday 4-4 and 7-9. Rte. 14. Ptmbrokt Ctr.

on FrMtay. Aoril 27, at 10 i.m. Interment In Centre Cemetery, ptmbrokt. Visit Werirw.rt.i ill uranier. sricnaa art I Thurtday an Anril 72.

wiiuam nusnana vitea. ailing nour Wrdnrsilay 2 4 and 7-8 p.m. Interment Weitvitw I lH.I.,n CEL0NA In Belmont. April 53. GRASHO Of West Newton.

April interment Cambridge Cemelriy ST Wban. April 23, mcirlcntally. candeloro "Lanriv of Rett B. (Munroei. Funeral from the Perry Funeral Home.

Bo- tnn Rd Mil A. Thursday. ing hours Tnursay evening in Hen Rowers contributions mv Zl VTOONIAN Ol' Reading, April of Cambridge Water c. ueiovea nusiiiuifi Dept. ociovca nuxnana oi Anvonina i iai-i quidaral.

Brother of Joseph, of of margarei Ann Maccii i Grasso. beloved wife of Mickal J. Grasso. also survived bit several nieces and nephew. Residence 27 AnHI QA at a a.m.

Funeral Mat at aj, jrtioo nusnana ol Umce Vtraiiiiunl Zcyloiiiiiun, of 72 Main Italy and Bartotlo of Salem. Mass. SHILLINGS Of Neuilnn. St. Theresa Church at a.m.

VislU be made to 8t Mark' Congregational Church, 200 townaend Roxbury, Ms. 02101. rl Bn.Unaalai. Anril 24. and friends are invited to ana menus are invi ol, lainci oi nicrses ol wallhiijn Relatives Reading n.

ooi April 2J. 1B73. Kva i Pillow wile of the laie Arthur E. Pine St. Funeral from the George F.

Dohtrty Ac Son Funeral Home. visit uevito mneral iiome, joi mi vlait neVitn Funeral Home. 1 ing nours wedncsoay ana i-. LEVY On Tuesday. April .24, Syl and HaigiZeyUionlan Auhiirn WATKRTOWN Tuesday 477 Washington WELLESLEY.

uiuviiqr ui joaepn OI vulcrlown other di Joseph of Vatcrtown I'har neinveft niuuinn ni Mothrr of Jackson H. Skllllngt of Rum lord R.I. and Mra. Phvllia via Hum tTTirransayi, oi la uiw aim Aaimeen "L.A249 Beacon son of Mary (O Connor) Duffcy. Brother of Mrs.

Mary Wragg. James and Paul F. Duffcy. Funeral from the Henry J. Burke Funeral Home, 56 Washington- St, (Rte.

in i HILLS, Thursday at 8:15 a.m. Funeral Mass in St Phil lan ot Dorchester ol uorchester 17-9, Wednesday 2-4 and 7-8 and, to the Funeral on Thursday morning rnllnuiad nv a funeral Maaa at a nose uauan at the Mnlw Trlnllu late Caroline (Rank lathrr of Paul John Charles rence SL. Brighton; beloved wile ol Edward 1, Levyi devoted mother of Allen of Weymouth also survived Wednesday at 10:15. Funeral Mass In St. Bernard' Church.

West Newton at 11 a.m. Relatives and incnian Apostolic Church of Great- a tranucniiartn and 4) great- Dr. David Lew ox Lincoln. Maine. Dr.

in Sacred Heart Church. Inler- Boston, I a Hr.ll Brattle Can cranarhiidren. Funeral from the and Harrier Siegel ot Cherry Hill, friends kindly Invited. Visiting Kevin Mid Robert T. also survived by 7 grandchildren: brother of Herbert, Arthur, Thomas, Philip Belmont cemeti I Bridge, Thursday.

April 20, at 11 fmr oc rTtt runerai ttnme, 1251 Washington W5.8T Nl.ll'Tllv. ip Nori Church, at 9:00. Relatives Friend maw ull nour Tuesday 1-4 and 7-. inter ment St. Mary' Cemetery.

Need. I mcnt CIllt'KC KfRtKr. Of South Boston. at the Funeral ana inpnn. in nu gerley and Hrsanm!e llomi time.

Thursday. Anril 28 2 p.m. Vlsit- and Robert Moran. Funeral from the F. J.

Higglns Funeral Home, 423 Washington St. ROSLINUALF, April 24, Annie J. (0'Rourke l. wife Anril ui uv ham. In lieu of flower donations may be made in her memory to the Visiting hours Tuesday, and Wednesday 7-9 p.m.

Late member nours wrnnesday 7 10 p.m. Werinn.riaO ate of Talladega College, Talladega, Ala. He also attended Palmer Memorial Institute in North Carolina and the Julliard School of Music in New York. He was a veteran of World War II and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. Mr.

McCIain was alto the choir director at SI-Mark's Congregational Church. He leaves his mothci', Mrs. Ossie McCIain of Roxbury, and a cousin, John H. Thompson, Evan-ston, 111. James Braley Drowning victim, 17 N.J.: dear grandmother of Jonathan, Aaron, and Rachel Siegel; sister of Florence Goldberg of Revere.

Services at the Levine Chapel, 470 Harvard BROOK-LINK, on Wednesday. Am 11 2.i. at 10 a.m. Memorial observance through Sunday evening at her late reaidrnre. Please rio not send flow rtKmm viiiii iwwen, of the late Aluh Z.i mother of the late Jennie J.

Funeral from the Pitneral Rervlre. fiflfi Mass. 8.. Friday, ADrii Z7 at a.m. i cancer una, Boston.

GRIFFIN In Needham April 24 ton Po II. John Chrysostony neral Mas In n. jr. an of to the Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church of 8T.COEL'R In Newlon. Henrietta formerly of Newton Center, Daniel EVAN'S In Rnstnn.

Anril 91. Wil. Church at 10:00. Felntlves friend invited. Visiting hours iDHrruwai, wioow of tne late Joseph E.

gt. Coeur. Service lo be 1 am r.vans. ni in weal Holland beloved husband of the late Ai-leen Rnnan rsrlffin. residence 31 privaiv.

ers. Remembrances may be mid to Boston, devoted friend of Inezi 5,., r- ui. twrrncster. Of We eulev. Anril -)A i weanesnay t-v ano inursoay and 7-9.

Lt employee of Mnss. Public Works Dent. Parking in rear of funeral home on Cummin BOSTON on Thursday at 101 Fricndsv. and relatives ale I kindly invited to call at the funeral; home on Wednesday 2-4 p.m. CLAL'S In KcnnybunK.

April 24, James W. Claus. age 72 years, 1 of the Old Port Rd formerly of Wells and Boston, beloved TEARE Of Billerica. April Wll- tsiocKer: aiso survivca oy broin-crs. 3 sisters and a host of friendn Ware St.

Father of Daniel K. Griffin of Framingham. Rose Ellen Leahy of Norwell. brother of Ella the American cancer society. LINNEHAN Of Haverhill.

April 22, Frank T.lnnehan. husband jiarn oeioved nusDand of Bertha Reposing at the Chisolm Funeral Maekey of Detroit. Funeral from inapci. sit t-oiumoiis BUS. Funeral from the Chanel Frl.

Helen J. (Conneii) Linnenan oi mi Highland Haverhill, and fa-i tne Martin tonroy mineral inini icbic; rarner or irvin irarc of Arizona and brother of Mrs. Emma Hulbcrt of Somcrvllle. Funeral Services at the Sweeney Me iL'iiS' Avi husbdnd of1 iMrCul'uhi 7.llg. father of of.VLi"abE.0, Francis A.

ol i mi 01 Boston, and Miss Lillian G. Zllg of Bostoii. Funeral I he Waterman Chapel. 892 Thursday, Aprlf 26 at 9 a.m. Followed by a Funeral Mass at St 1 husband of Ethlyn J.

Claus. Funr- ther of John J. unnehan. uneral irom thi' C. Son MULLEN OI Wincnesier.

Apiii Joseph beloved huaband on Sarah A. (Cadyl Mullen, residence R46 Main st father of David J. of morial Funeral Home An Conrmi al services Friday at 2 p.m. from the Rernnd Congregational Church. Funeral Home, 129 Kenoza ave, (Rte.

110). HAVERHILL. Thursday, Home, 439 Washington NEWTON, Friday at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in the Sacred Church. Newton Center, at 10 a.m.

Relatives and friends most kindly invited. Visiting hours Thursday 2-4 and 7-9. HAMPE Formerly of Brookline, in Wollaatnn. Aoril 23. Loretta L.

day, April 27 at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Family present at the Chapel Thursday evening 7-9. Late W.W. II veteran.

FAUNCE In Concord, April 22, 1973, formerly of Wellesley. Frances daughter of the late Sarah (Kingl and Carlos P. Faunce, BILLERICA, on Thursdny. April 2fj at 1 p.m. Relatives anil fi-iends respectfully Invited.

Visiting hour Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 n.m. Wells, Me. Interment in Forest Hills Cemetery, Boston. Friends Winchester. Joseph L.

of. an Dicso, Calif, arid Anita Mirinlle of Potomic, brother of Sr. a -t ttia vtrgrln M-it-v Lar- mp. Church, sou' April 26 at 10 a.m. Followed by a Funeral Mass In St.

James Church at il am Pnllinr hours Tuesday 7- i may call at the Bibber Memorial Chapel, 67 Summer KENNY- Late member of the Jnsenh Warren vvcuesiey. Fit 10 III Leuofw tlo.we,' memorial gifts may he made in the uaii 9 p.m. and Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 riivk. Me. Thnrsoav aiternnon juoase A.r.atA.M.

oi notion. melite Order, Irookiyn. N.V. nd Mrs. Agnes Hannan.

of Brighton. Funeral from the Lane Funcral sister of the late Margaret H. and evening. Visiting hours 2-4 (Finn beloved wife of the late Francis X. Hampe.

residence 97 Hospital. Friends may call at the Chaocl WedneHdnv 7-0 TRl ELSON Of Randolph. Anril 23. West Elm Wollaston, mother Helen (Anderson), wile or Home. 760 Main 1501)1 AC0 Of Maiden, formerly of! and 7-B p.m.

n.INK i On Tuenday. ADri! 24 Faunce of Salem. Memorial service in the Bum Chapel of the Welles-ley Congregational Church, Thursday, April 26 at 2 p.m. Memorial John C. Truelson.

Residence 230 of Francis X. of Wenham. Mrs, Cleraldine Mefldnwa nf Stnuffhtnn. i ai'iii i-eonaraa Funeral 'Mass in the Immjculat Surivff F. lljivensonl of 29 Chestnut St.

Motner of John Truelson Jr. of Providence. R.l Mrs. Catherine Dunn of Norton and p.m. MicDONALD In Dorchester April 23, Vincent A beloved son of Joseph A.

and Anne (nee Fralser) MacDonald brother of Angus J. and John R. both of North Weymouth and Mrs. Catherine Ennl of Hol-brook. Funeral from the John G.

Molloy Funeral Home 1126 Washington DORCHESTER LOWER MILLS on Thursday April 26 at 8 Joseph Hampe of Tewksbury, sister Funeral from the Hurlev Funeral LOnLCUtlWII lyllU Wl Jm ing. hours Tuesday 7-8, Wednesday 2-4 and 7-8. In lieu of flowers con- nf itev. wiiuam n. rinn or si.

Home. 134 South Main RAN Ann'a hv the Sea Church. Marsh- hut nm in nio mpinui ni contributions may Be sent to the American Cancer Society. Arrange-I ments by MacRae-Tunnicliffe, Con- cord. FLAHERTY Suddenly in Dorches-1 ter, April 22, George E.

beloved husband of Margaret (Kennefick) DOLPH. Thursday at 8:1.1. uneral Mass In St. Bernadettc's Church 1 Grayjynn Newton; widow of Hymfen E. Cline: beloved mother of Penneth M.

and Daniel D. Cline, Doris C. Rosolf and Louise C. Slot-nick all of Newton. Also survived by 12 gr ndcnildren ml Er grandchild.

Sister of Edith Shapiro unrf Rewnioe Tllarlcman nf Brighton. iinovea wile of the late Angclo; devoted mother of Mrs Josephine Glorioso of Andov-er. Mrs. Rose Alconada of Maiden, Mrs. Mary O'Neil of Everett, Mrs.

France fcona of West Roxhury. Miss Concetta of Maiden, Joseph of Billerica and Mrs. Rita Rldgway of Medlord; sister of Mis. Frances Assanlsl of Somcrvllle, Mrs. Agatha field.

Francis Finn, Mrs. Lillian Kcnneally and H. Austin Finn, all jrvcnneaiiy ana n. niuiiu inn, ai made to the Cancer Foundation, 138 Newbury Boston. Mrs.

Geraldine Car nt B. visiting hours Tuesday 7-8 Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9. oi biuincy ana ven of Waban. of Quincy and an. Funeral from the ORMONDE Of Needhnm.

April KI. Augusta, widow of. 129 nome, lieorge J. Lacy runerai ev TUCKER In South Boston. April Minna rlnld of stouehton.

Doris Harvard BROOKLINE, Thurs- a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Gregory' Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends kindly invited. Visiting hours Tuesday 7-9 and Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

Parking in rear of funeral home. and devoted brother of Lawrence of Milton, John and Margaret Flaherty of South Boston. Funeral from the John J. O'Connor Funeral dav morning at 9:10. followed by a ot Medford and the late Frank Busstchella; also survived by 10 grandchildren and 6 great 22, Franx, Deiovea nusnana oi France P.

(Nllan). Beloved father nf Mrs. Kathleen M. Vitale. Sharon M.

Tucker and Valerie A. Tucker, alt nf DnrrheKter. Ron of Silvan monde, motner or Hines of Nedhm, Rav. Fr. Henry Hints of Philadelphia.

John Hlne of Cheshire, Conn, and Constance Savin of U. Home. 740 Adams (near Galli-I granacnuaren. Funeral from Thel MACKENZIE In Melrose. AdHI 24.

van Blvd. l. Thursday morning at 8 a m. Fnnernl Mass in St. Brendan's Salzman of Hull and the late Max.

Samuel and Edward Levenson and Bertha Yaffee. Services at the Le- vine Chapel, 470 Harvard BROOKLINE, on Thursd-- An il 28 at 11 a.m. Memorial Week at the i home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvm Riot-i nick, 47 Oakvale WABAN, (Newtom.

Pie fir do not send i'low- rSPiPf il Funeral Home. 407 Main MEDFORD Friday at 8:30 a.m. Funeral Ma in The sa Church at 9:00. Relatives and NATICK A funeral Mass will be said Friday at 10 a.m. in St.

Linus Church for James M. Bra-ley, 17, of 60 Mill st. He drowned Monday afternoon in a pond in the Ashland sector of the Hopkin-ton State Park. The youth was about 100 feet from shore when he called for help and then disappeared beneath the surface. His body was recovered later that after- Tucker of Fla.

Brother of Arnold, Earl and Kenneth Tucker and Mrs. Theresa Dawson all of New Hamp Funeral Mass in St. Mary of the Assumption Church. Brookline at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends are kindly invited.

Visiting hours Tuesday evening 7-9, Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9. Interment New Calvary Cemetery. HAYES In Westwood, April 24. Charlotte E. (Toddy Brown); wife nt tha late James J.

(Buster! William Li. of 33 vine nusDana of Mable A. (Elliot), father of William and Edward MaeKeniie and brother of Theodore MacKenzie of shire. Funeral fronv the O'Brien friends respectfully invited. Visitlnal hours Tuesday evening 7-9, Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9.

Late senior engineer of the MDC, veteran of cred Hearts Church, Maiden at 10 Relitlves and friends Invited visiting hours Wednesday 7-9 1351 Highlmd WednosaaiN April 25 at 1 P.m. Visiting noun Tuesday 7-9. Medford. Services at Funeral Home, 146 Dorchester KrtllTII BOSTON. Thursday at 8.

cnurcn, west Emerson nieirose, crs. Remembrances may be made, to the Hyman E. and Sadye F. Cline ftehnlarahin Fund, c-o Maimonides world war II. PENNACCHIO-In Watertown.

Apr Funeral Mass at St. Margaret's rhurch at 9 a.m. Relatives and FLAHERTY In Quincy, April 23, Aiiuxauay ana i-w. 101 St. INFANTRY VETS.

ASSOC. 23. formerly, ot florui Hayes, residence 89 Hartford St. Funeral from the John F. Holden Wtrs-rwnnri Funeral Home.

55 High School, Philbrick Brookline or friends invited. Visiting hours Tnursaay at 2 p.m. rrienas may call at Robinson Chapel. 809 Main MELROSE, Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. In lieu of flower memorial gift may be made to the Heart Fund, 677 Beacon Boston.

beloved husband of wis, to the charity of your choice, Tiisdav. 7-9. Wednesday 2-4 and Bnelr (off Rte. 1091. Friday at Michael neioved hUoDanct of trie late Barbara (Ward), father of Richard W.

Flaherty of Quincy, Barbara Hcaly of Rockville, and Marv F.ileen Flaherty of Lau 11) Pennacchio, liaw Tinfc beloved son irarcio- We regrtt tn annnunea tha 7-9. Late member of the Ryan Post V.F.W, and Veteran of World War CODY In Arlington. April 24. of Comrade Charles b. Uufiev WillUm.

uncle of Mrs Margaret MANN Of Everett, April 24. Miss II. u.a. Army. 10:15.

Funeral Mass in St. Margaret Mary's Church at 11 o'clock. Relatives and friends Invited. Visiting hours, Wednesday, 7-9 and Thurs Company C. All member are requested to meet at 8 p.m., Wednes- rel-Bowie, Drotner oi Kooert TfTnJF.It Tn Wevmouth formerly ay, ADril 25.

at the Henrv .1 RurUa of (jnartestown, reier iOt ioncoro. and Paul Flaherty of Arlington Ui Eva E. Mann, of 25 Bradford beloved daughter of the late Terence D. and Julia C. (Folsom) Mann, sister ot Mrs.

Alice M. Ben MacAllister or uramingnam, ivirs. Elirabeth O. Rodgers. Mrs.

Anne I Fiekers and Thomat K. Cody all. of Arlington. Funfral fror; the Jonn R. OTlonnell Funeral Borne, 1021 day, 2-4 and 7-9.

bosco) and to il vitn chioV Wother of Miss Marie, VIM, Pat and Raloh, all of Boston. Anthony of East Boston, Frank of SauKui Mrs. Florence Giannasoli of lo" Mrs. Angelina Brennan ot Roslindale, Mrs. Kllen of Brishton.

Funeral from of Scltuate, April 24, age 83, Albert rranrfi Turner, huaband nf the late Funeral from the John C. Mulry HFV-KFSSFV nf 478 Jamaica Way nett of Worcester. Private Funeral am Tine zzri. r.iizaDem i uneral Home, lii weponset av. nnnrHFSTER.

Friday at 8 a.m Funeral Home, 58 Washington Wellesley Hills. Consult newspapers for further details. JOSEPH KREAS, President DAN HOAR, Secretary beloved daughter of the late! Services will be held at the. J.E. Funeral Mass In Star of the Sea Mass.

Aiti-iniuiurj, on Thursday at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Agnes Church at 9 Visiting William J. ana Mary js. (nee t.ain Hennessey, and sister of Dorothy Alice M.

(Hawes) of 129 Gannett rd. Father of Charles Richard. both of Scituate, George E. of Palmer, Mrs. Helen Dowd and Mrs.

Edwin Westington, both of Scituate. Mra. Alverta F. Thompson of Marshfleld, Mrs. Charlotte Gardner nf Rockland.

Funeral from the "'J'Nirnhsrdon St, BOB- Henderson ox eroaoway, EVERETT, on Friday. There will be no visiting hours. Church, at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours hours Wednesday 2-4 and V.

and Geraldine P. Hennessey of WHnpiHqv. 7-B. Thursday. 2-4 and THE ST.

SEBASTIAN FAMILY Jamaica Plain and Mrs. cnaries w. (Marvl Sullivan of West Roxbury. 7-9. Interment St.

Joseph's Ceme MARO0LI8 Anna (Shatz) of 81 Flnrenee Everett on Anril 24. oTer Boston 0:30 1 a.m. Rel- Announces with sadness the pass tery. Funeral from the Frederic J. Crosby Funeral Home, 1803 Centre tlve ana inenus iilvi.j'j.

hours Wednesday and Thursday wife of the late Jacob Margolis. Devoted mother of Israel of Cincinnati, and Mrs. Frances Laeer of noon. He was born in Natick and was a senior at Marion High School in Framing-ham. He had been accepted for fall enrollment at the North Adams State College.

Five years ago his brother, Joseph, then 17, Sparrell Funeral Home, 1 Summer COHASSET, Friday, April 27 at 2 p.m. Funeral home calling hours Wednesday 7-9, Thursday, 2-4 and ing jrom tnis me to tne next, or the school's first headmaster, Mn8r. Charles t) Melnnls. Masses will be 2-4 and 7-9. Interment Grovelandi celebrated dally we at scnasi an soul ARLINGTON COUNCIL 109 KNIGHTS OP COtUMBUS Everett.

Dear sister of Samuel Shatz of Lawrence and the late Bessie Fineman, also survived by 7-9 P.m. PHELAN In Watertown. suacraiiy April 23, Kathleen F. (Earley) ofi Cemetery, North Scituate. Chapel for the repose of his and the consolation of his family.

THOMAS C. O'DONNELL FUNERAL SERVICE SOUTH BOSTON Joseph T. Sullivan, Successor ANdrew 8-3088 88 West Broadway eight grandchildren and eignt great 55 WaverVey beloved the late John F. Phelan mother of John of Cherry Hll New icnuaren. services ai ine ai We regret to announce the death of Brother John J.

O'Neil. Funeral With sympathy Rev. Msgr. John F. X.

Harney, Rector Funeral Chapel. 151 Washington WEST ROaBUHT (between wiiiow Maple Streets) on Wednesday morning at 10:15 to be followed by a Mass of the Resurrection at St. Thomas Aquina Church at 11 o'clock. Relative and friends are invited. Visiting hours Tuesday 3-5 and 7-9 p.m.

Interment Hplyhood Cemetery. Parking in rear of funeral home. JOSEPH WARREN LODGE Jersey, Mrs. uons ruuiiBn. tervices will be held in Gardner, tham.

Edmund of Springfield, CHELSEA on Wednesday, April 25th at 11 a.m. Interment in Danvers. Memorial week at the Mass. on Thursday. FXlWARTi J.

DOWNS. G.K The Tanner Clllb Of Boston Inc. and also a senior at Marion VIOLA In Fort Lauderdale. Florida, formerly of the South End. April 24, Vincent; beloved husband of Mao-la (Falzone) and devoted father of Vincent L.

Viola and Mrs. Frances Frost, both of Boston, and Mrs. Joanne Bowman, of Roslindale; also survived by 10 grandchildren. Funeral Friday. April 27 at 9 a.m.

from the Joseoh Russo WALTER DRISCOLL, Recorder Mrs. Kathleen Bry ot wohurn. Helen Noonan of Waltham, Rofert of Brookline and Mrs. Madelyn McAllister of Reading; also sur vived residence of Mr. and Mrs.

bamuel Lager, 81 Florence st, Everett. In lieu nf flower contributions may Regrets to report the death of charter High School, was killed in Hackctt of 100 1 member W. Prank be made to the Chelsea Jewish a car crash in riilMMMMMMim irit.j,..iii"itiKaa a. ef5 We resret to announce the death on Aoril aa of Brother William A. Teare.

Nursing Home. MABKR Elizabeth F. Funeral Home, 814 American Le wells Ave. Dorcneatcr. runerai irom the John C.

Mulry Funeral Home at 2 King at Dorchester Ave. Wednesday at 9 a.m. Funeral Mass in St. Mark's Church at 10 o'clock. toe W.

Thomas Memorial Funeral Home, 75 Galen. WATJ.R-! TOWN Friday, April 27 at 9,15 a.m. Funeral Mass at St. Patricks .1 l. in Relatives and Trunral servire will be held at a-ion Highway (near Lummins BEAUTIFUL ENDURING (Rose) of Weymouth, April 24, be-; Highway).

ROSLINDALE. Funeral mass in the Immaculate Conception Church at 10 a.m. Relatives and Sweeney's Funeral Home. 80 Concord Billerica, Mass. Masonic Service 8 p.m., April 24.

Visiting loved wite of tne late ALtrea r. Marks, mother of Gregory R. of Wevmoiith. Frederick J. of Brain- -1! friends are kindly invited to attend: IN MEM0R1AM friends are invited to attend.

Visit calling nours -9a 79. tjite mem MEMORIALS James Braley had been employed part time at the Stop Shop supermarket in Framingham. ing hours Wednesday 7-9 p.m. and nours 1 to s. Edward C.

Donahue, Master Kenneth W. Wood, Secy. tree. Joseph J. of Boston, Kenneth P.

of Hanover. John A. of Rockland, Diane C. Sullivan of HinEham, Weverlv Pednnti nf Wpvmouth: her of St. Anthony's.

Guild and the 9-m- Am-plei7Z-CLir Ellis r.nlrien Age Club ol Watertown, Of Westwood, APni sister of John Rose of pmi, BRICK i husband of Margaret Joseph of Brockton, Christopher of i 23. Otis A. aid more Abraham 'Abe), age 58, of 15to hear ytr yoke and to rridr, of 323 Dover ana a VrmAorirK jycivc v-ainor oaej ueiuveu ia-i sea yoor smile, lo greet ooswr, maoei uiuu vt ni xwa bury, Agnes Doyle of Boston, Sarah Gardner of Virginia, Thomas van at tha Sflar. But all 7 Waitxkln of N.V.C., beloved brotherl He leaves his parents, Joseph and Beatrice (Hamm); a brother, Ed O'Neill oi weymoutn: also sur-i J.S.Waterman&Sons vived by 18 grandchildren. Funeral from the McDonald Funeral Home, Richard 6tli Philbrick" and Mr? Anne Philbrick Hall.

Services at FiAt Parish United Church of Westwood, Corner of Clapboardtree St. and Nahatan o.m? Relatives and friends invited. AeeanfiernentS can do 1 remember, snd go anil tend the irsve of the dearest aad sweetest daughter Gtd ever mad. Sadly mi ed by h'r mother. Auril.

ward Braley of Belling- ot L.ena ttium or LamDriage, ne; loved son of the late Freda and Jo-! e-eph Waitzkin. Service at the Levine Chapel, 470 Harvard BROOKLINE on Thursday. Anril 28 at 2 p.m. Memorial week private. In lieu of flowers, remembrances may be made to the Leahy Clinic SOUTH wiiboith, at 808 Mam (Route 18.

opposite South Shore Hospital) Friday at 8 a.m. Funeral Mass In St. Albert's Church at 9 abmi za, it noon, ni. inn mi. n.r Hrrton Boston.

Aiwtri m-'iicuii aim aiLtri, iiiiu. wa ter nean. Mum, nnaina.ia, er UriBlB. lilt; uuiiijiaiu ui ovy- o'clock. Relatives and friends Invited.

Visiting hours Wednesday 7-, Thursday 2-4 and 7-9, Late 103 Waihingtan St. laikridala. atata. 02131 11. 524-1110 til.

U7t fnanwrnanH -tntiavint -Cleaning Tradltiana ManimwnH and Markan ia Gran-Ha Stota. Irania. Sm tilimat an, and Clatniaa. hi 110: 741 tarkteri St, Pubic Gartan. Ki t-15 1 9.

Foundation, 805 Commonwealth kin'ton. Boston. 1 jfi4 Eleanor Litchfield Mason 1373 mernder weymoutn senior Litizens AaeneiatiAn by Folsom Funeral Service. WEST-WOOD. I PHILLIPS In Humarock, JormerW of Brighton, suddenly, Aoril 23, Wadleigh beloved husband of Theresa t.

(Kelly), father of Robert Ralph Mr. Janet Bsllen-tlne. Lawrence, P. and I Eileen Phillips, son of Wadl-lgh snd hmth.r nf Mrs. WHFLAN In Brookline, April 24, uuri xi.

snivel John, beloved husband of Madeline; ttlS ai IfinrVt Vf the April Z4, 1973. Atsunio, Beloved hnsb-nd of CcV'ietta iTrannl. father i Jontt Whrlan. riinnc 1H I ox-, a. (tiiv of Guy of Waltham, Carmen of Tewksbury, Jonn of somcrvllle, Robert of New York.

Jemma Dale- lirt and Teresa Arena. hnh off 47 EVE1ETT AV CHELSfA 02150 45 Ya-rt Laariancad Sarvka Mt-IS2. Open S-nt-r Braose AAarkaii far Wamaiial Pork, Service at any distance Wi'tfi Hickman, Mrs. O'Toole and George R. Phllhos.

Funeral from the McNamsra Funeral Home, 460 Washington BRIGHTON, (at Lake Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. Funrl in our Ijdv of the Presenta Sim lJ Mom laadinf fcUnwewnt SawMhH 3SOO Wenhinglan NnnlMi i. -(V CamelaM hrfermotiar. oHI 524300 Somervine, brother of Vincent of California. Funeral from the Anthony F.

Cot 8r Bon Funeral Home, 197 Washington on Friday. April 27. at 8 a m. Funeral Mass in S. Anthony's Church at 10 Burial wil! be at St.

Patrick's Cemetery. Other obituaries on Page 46 IN MEM0R1AM A Month' Mind Mass will be celebrated for MARY T. TURECXI On Thursday. April 28 at a.m. in St.

William Church. Dorchester. Belrne of South "ower. i brother of Howard Whelan of Avon; and Mrs" Elna C. Blong of Brook- Stenhen J.

Berry I line; also survived by 5 rnrandchil- Died la Callftrals, March ti. dren. Funeral from the George J- Manias mlad Km, Gate Heaven Tacy Funeral Home. 129 Harvsrd nu, s-'h Boston. April BROOKLINE, Friday morning a jju am.

I at 8:10, followed by rujier-i "ZL i in St. Mary of the Assumption Church 9 o'clock. Relatives snd! Melinrla M. hacchettl friends are kindly invited. Visiting' Died A a HI 25.

lBB-j hours Wednesday and Thursday 2-4 "Tt lira la hearts left fcrhlal la nol and 7-9 p.m. Interment Holyhood Cemetery. If desired, in Ilea of Ltvincly remembered kr brother. flower, contribution may be sent- tion Chureh at 10 o'clock. Relative a.m.

Relatives and inenas may eain at theFuneral Home Wednesday 7-, 8 and Thursday 2-4 and 7-9. I and menas mvneu. ergreen Cemetery. Visiting hours. T-jeda- evening.

p.m.. and Wednesday 2-4 ana 7-9 p.m. Pnatay OBKa I3S7 J0I 131 FUUft 51, IVHUTT Helpful, personalized service to families wherever the need arises locally, nationally, internationally. J. S.

Waterman Sons, since 1832, is managed by the fourth generation. Frank S. Waterman, 3d President Ml Camii 53 Ml Avavoi SI, Cimiliiitl Sarintnla 11 Suim- Wnaiaalli 4 Pan S. Ovimy lal MJ-3 to the St. Elisabeth's Hospital Pul-j A Torlevra 1173 v.

i i i inir.i Remembtr Ynr Lrtl Oats wHi FLOWERS ANO CHARITY iSfa ttwtb Caaa SAamflwam, A lnx Slam lull far a parka. JlcN mnnary neseaxen rur.a. 'r tyridze St Brighton, Mas. 02135. in Anniversary Mt Htly Nm CBareb Satardiy Arll I West Rtxbarr, eir.

nneini miiuir. amara i eastman's al 1 A.M. trnrrr of Rnrkiand. ADril 24 INVQLINGS Theresa (Keanei. Wife of Timothyl lufi.VI iiui- Holler 1973 J.

White, residence 62 West water St. Tuneral from the Sullivan Fu-1 LTBgly remesabend by Bl trotter FUNERAL HOME 211 WAef Ov-Ky. 471 Th 1 ellir a Ifasntrial tt tbt lata BERT S. ROSENBLATT Offices A Chapels BOSTON. KeatBore Sq.

53MI19 WFLLtSLEY.WelleslerSq. 235-4110 tJFAYLAND. Rout 30 MM350 neiai nomc, csl aad a later. ROCKLAND, i exit 30. off RL i exit jw.

on n--. til Alan 5 i t3rrn Ln v-ririsiei mj.i Charli Weathrbt 340-342 WALNUT ST. I NtYvTONVILLE. MAS1 Tel 244-6781 244-8150; South) Thursday at 9 a.m. Funeral 217 lnin VI in UO-ef jO, Pk-y.

"-n S. JP-' CT 41 Na. Cm, BacHa Al i T. MoRUn-h-lSn Holy Family Ceme-! Laretaglr rtmtBitertd i tajl- ng hour Tuesday 7-9 drea and (raatthildrea. Masses e- AI At ill Be Hell oa gaaday.

April 29th 460 WASHINGTON ST. BRIGHTON, Hast tn Holy I a.m. Interment ent 147 Nart $, 5ai fraa kill Iw. Op 5 li Mthllrtr Ctmettry Baker SL. lot BtxBBry Wednesday 3-5 and 7-9" m.

la aaid. ia.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.