Mastering the Game: How to Play Genji Overwatch 2 Guide | Techcritix (2024)

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to play Genji in Overwatch 2. Whether you’re a beginner looking to master this agile hero or an experienced player wanting to refine your skills, this guide will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to dominate the game.

Key Takeaways:

  • Master Genji’s abilities, such as Swift Strike and Deflect, and learn how to utilize them effectively.
  • Target enemy healers first to disrupt the enemy team and make it easier to eliminate the rest of the opponents.
  • Take advantage of Genji’s exceptional mobility with wall climb and double jump to stay mobile and elusive.
  • Make the most out of Genji’s ultimate ability, Dragonblade, to eliminate squishy targets.
  • Utilize Genji’s shuriken throwing ability for close-range bursts or long-range exchanges.
  • Flank strategically with Genji to create opportunities and take out low-mobility characters.
  • Recognize when to retreat and have an exit plan to avoid unnecessary risks.

Understanding Genji’s Abilities

Genji is equipped with a unique set of abilities that make him a formidable force on the battlefield in Overwatch 2. Understanding how to effectively utilize these abilities is crucial for mastering the game as Genji.

One of Genji’s key abilities isSwift Strike. This ability allows Genji to dash forward, dealing damage to any enemy he passes through. Swift Strike is particularly useful for bursting down low-health targets, as it can quickly finish off weakened enemies. Additionally, Swift Strike has a short cooldown, making it a versatile tool for quickly repositioning or escaping dangerous situations.

Another vital ability that Genji possesses isDeflect. This ability allows Genji to project a barrier in front of him, blocking incoming projectiles and redirecting them towards his enemies. Deflect can be a game-changer when used strategically. By timing it correctly, Genji can not only survive enemy attacks but also turn the tables on his opponents. Punish panicking enemies by deflecting their own attacks back at them, creating chaos on the battlefield.

When playing as Genji, it is important to prioritize eliminating enemy healers first. Taking out the enemy healers can severely weaken the enemy team and make it easier to eliminate the remaining enemies. Genji’s mobility and quick burst damage make him particularly effective at diving the backline and eliminating vulnerable support heroes. By disrupting the enemy’s healing capabilities, you can create openings for your team to secure crucial kills and gain an advantage in team fights.

Genji’s exceptional mobility is thanks to his ability to wall climb and double jump. By utilizing these abilities, Genji can traverse the map quickly and unpredictably, making it difficult for enemies to hit him. Wall climbing allows Genji to scale walls and reach high vantage points, giving him a strategic advantage. Double jumping allows Genji to change direction mid-air, making it challenging for opponents to anticipate his movements. Mastering these mobility techniques will make you a hard target to hit and allow you to outmaneuver your opponents.

Genji’s ultimate ability is calledDragonblade. When activated, Genji unsheathes his sword and gains increased movement speed and melee attack range. The Dragonblade deals devastating damage and can swiftly eliminate squishy targets. Timing is crucial when using Dragonblade to maximize its impact. Look for opportunities when the enemy team is grouped together or when key enemy abilities are on cooldown. Coordinating with your team to set up combo plays can lead to devastating team wipes.

In addition to his abilities, Genji is skilled in the art of shuriken throwing. His shurikens can be thrown in quick succession, allowing for close-range bursts of damage, or they can be used for longer-range exchanges. Mastering the accuracy of your shuriken throws will greatly increase your effectiveness as Genji.

As a flanker, Genji excels at infiltrating the enemy backline and disrupting their gameplay. Take advantage of his high mobility and stealthy approach to catch enemies off guard. Genji is particularly effective against low-mobility heroes who rely on their teammates for protection. By singling out and eliminating these targets, you can greatly tip the scales in your team’s favor.

However, it is essential to know when to bail and have an exit plan. Genji’s playstyle can be risky, especially when diving deep into enemy territory. Always be aware of your surroundings and retreat when necessary. Knowing when to disengage from a fight can mean the difference between life and death.

Understanding Genji’s Abilities

Mastering Genji’s Swift Strike is crucial to becoming a skilled Genji player in Overwatch 2. This ability allows Genji to dash through enemies, dealing damage and resetting the cooldown if he eliminates a target. To maximize its effectiveness, use Swift Strike to burst down low-health enemies, finishing them off with a melee attack if necessary. Swift Strike can also be used as an escape tool, allowing Genji to quickly disengage from dangerous situations.

Another important ability is Genji’s Deflect. With Deflect, Genji can block incoming projectiles, such as enemy abilities or even ultimates, and redirect them towards his foes. This can be particularly useful when facing heroes with powerful projectile-based attacks, such as Junkrat or Pharah. Additionally, Genji can use Deflect to punish panicking enemies by reflecting their attacks back at them, turning the tide of battle in his favor.

To excel as a Genji player, it is essential to understand the importance of target priority. Eliminating enemy healers should be a top priority for Genji, as they can sustain their team and make it harder to secure kills. By taking out the healers first, you create opportunities for your team to capitalize on the lack of healing, increasing your chances of success. Be sure to communicate with your team and focus your attacks on the enemy supports to disrupt their effectiveness.

In addition to his abilities, Genji possesses exceptional mobility with his wall climb and double jump. These abilities allow him to navigate the map with ease, accessing high ground positions or escaping dangerous situations. Utilize wall climb to scale walls and surprise your opponents from unexpected angles. Combine it with double jump to stay mobile and make yourself a challenging target to hit. The combination of mobility and agility makes Genji a formidable adversary that can quickly strike and retreat with ease.

When it comes to Genji’s ultimate ability, Dragonblade, timing and target selection are crucial. Dragonblade unleashes a deadly flurry of sword strikes, dealing massive damage to enemies within range. To make the most out of Dragonblade, wait for the right moment to activate it, such as when the enemy team is grouped together or when they are occupied with other threats. Prioritize squishy targets, such as supports or DPS heroes, as they are easier to eliminate and can turn the tide of the battle in your team’s favor.

Genji’s shuriken throwing ability is versatile and can be used for both close-range bursts and long-range exchanges. Mastering the art of shuriken throwing allows you to deal significant damage from a safe distance or quickly finish off enemies up close. Experiment with different shuriken techniques, such as fan shurikens at close range or precise aim for distant targets, to adapt to different combat scenarios and maximize your effectiveness.

As a flanker, Genji excels at harassing the enemy’s backline and disrupting their positions. Use your mobility and agility to flank the enemy, catching them off guard and eliminating key targets. Low-mobility heroes, such as Ana or Zenyatta, are particularly vulnerable to Genji’s swift and deadly attacks. Coordinate with your team and communicate your flanking intentions to create opportunities for coordinated strikes and decisive victories.

While Genji is a formidable hero, it is important to know when to bail and have an exit plan. Recognize when a situation becomes too risky and retreat to safety. Overextending or taking unnecessary risks can lead to your demise and put your team at a disadvantage. Always assess the battlefield and make smart decisions to ensure your survival and contribute to the success of your team.

Utilizing Deflect to Your Advantage

Genji’s Deflect ability is not only a defensive tool but also a powerful offensive weapon in Overwatch 2. By activating Deflect, Genji can reflect enemy projectiles back at his foes, dealing damage and potentially eliminating them. This ability can be a game-changer when used strategically, allowing Genji to turn the tides of battle in his favor.

One effective strategy is to use Deflect when facing off against high-damage heroes like Widowmaker or Hanzo. By timing Deflect correctly, Genji can send their deadly shots right back at them, catching them off guard and potentially securing a quick elimination. Additionally, Deflect can be used to punish panicking enemies who are blindly shooting in close-quarters combat, turning their own attacks against them.

However, it’s important to remember that Deflect has a limited duration and can leave Genji vulnerable once it expires. To avoid being caught off guard, it’s crucial to anticipate when enemies will unleash their most damaging abilities and time Deflect accordingly. This requires careful observation of the enemy team’s cooldowns and understanding their patterns of engagement.

Furthermore, it’s essential to communicate with your team when using Deflect. By notifying your allies that you are about to activate Deflect, they can capitalize on the opportunity to coordinate their attacks, making it harder for the enemy team to counter your defense. Combining Deflect with well-coordinated team strategies can lead to devastating results on the battlefield.

Tip: Mind Your Surroundings

When utilizing Deflect, it’s crucial to be aware of your surroundings. Positioning yourself near environmental hazards or tight spaces can increase the chances of reflecting enemy projectiles into advantageous positions. Additionally, using Deflect near your team’s barriers or shields can provide extra protection while still allowing you to counter-attack.

To truly master Genji’s Deflect ability, practice is key. Spend time understanding the various projectiles that different heroes can unleash, and experiment with different timings for activating Deflect to optimize its impact. With practice and a solid understanding of the game’s mechanics, you can become a formidable force as Genji in Overwatch 2.

Target Priority: Eliminating Healers First

As a Genji player in Overwatch 2, one of your primary objectives should be to take out the enemy healers first. By focusing on eliminating the healers, you can disrupt the enemy team’s ability to sustain themselves and create advantageous situations for your own team. Here are some strategies and best practices to effectively target and eliminate healers as Genji:

  1. Identify their location:Before engaging, try to locate the enemy healers. They are likely to position themselves near their teammates, so keep an eye out for supports such as Mercy, Ana, or Baptiste.
  2. Coordinate with your team:Communicate with your teammates to ensure they are aware of your objective to eliminate the healers. This can lead to coordinated attacks and increase your chances of success.
  3. Engage from unexpected angles:Use Genji’s exceptional mobility to your advantage by flanking and engaging the healers from unexpected angles. This will catch them off guard and make it harder for their team to protect them.
  4. Target the vulnerable:Focus your attacks on healers who are out of position or low on health. By finishing off a wounded healer, you can quickly remove their healing potential from the fight.
  5. Use Swift Strike strategically:Swift Strike is an essential tool for Genji’s burst damage. Use it to quickly close the gap and finish off a low-health healer. However, be mindful of your positioning after using Swift Strike to ensure you have an escape route.
  6. Avoid tunnel vision:While eliminating healers should be a priority, be aware of the overall situation. If a crucial moment arises where you can make a significant impact on the enemy team, it may be worth diverting your attention temporarily.
  7. Adapt your target priority:Depending on the situation, it may be necessary to switch targets. If an opportunity presents itself to take out a high-damage enemy player or tank, it could be a game-changer for your team.

By focusing on eliminating the enemy healers first, you can disrupt the enemy team’s healing capabilities and create advantageous situations for your team. Remember to communicate with your teammates, use Genji’s mobility effectively, and adapt your target priority as needed. Mastering this strategy will greatly enhance your effectiveness as a Genji player in Overwatch 2.

Mastering Mobility: Wall Climb and Double Jump

Genji’s ability to scale walls and perform agile double jumps gives him unparalleled mobility in Overwatch 2. These unique movements allow him to navigate the battlefield with speed and precision, making him a formidable force to be reckoned with.

One of Genji’s signature abilities is wall climb, which enables him to scale vertical surfaces. Whether you need to reach a vantage point for a surprise attack or make a quick escape, wall climb gives you the advantage of accessing areas that other heroes cannot. Use this ability strategically to gain a higher ground and catch your enemies off guard.

In addition to wall climb, Genji’s double jump is another key aspect of his mobility toolkit. By swiftly jumping in mid-air, Genji can change his direction and trajectory, making it difficult for enemies to predict his movements. The combination of wall climb and double jump allows Genji to traverse the battlefield in a fluid and acrobatic manner, making it challenging for opponents to land hits.

To fully master Genji’s mobility, it is important to practice utilizing wall climb and double jump in tandem. By seamlessly transitioning between these abilities, you can create unpredictable movement patterns that will confound your adversaries. This fluidity not only makes you harder to hit but also allows you to quickly reposition yourself during combat.

During engagements, take advantage of Genji’s mobility to flank the enemy team and strike from unexpected angles. Use wall climb and double jump to evade enemy fire, making it easier for you to close in on vulnerable targets or escape when the situation becomes precarious. Remember that Genji’s strength lies in his ability to make swift and calculated movements, so make sure to capitalize on this advantage.

Furthermore, Genji’s mobility also enables him to contest high ground positions. By quickly scaling walls, you can challenge snipers and other long-range heroes that typically dominate these advantageous spots. By denying the enemy team control of the high ground, you create opportunities for your own team to gain an upper hand in team fights.

However, it is essential to maintain awareness of your surroundings and the positioning of your team. While Genji’s mobility allows you to be aggressive and dive into the enemy backline, be cautious not to overextend or leave your teammates vulnerable. Always communicate with your team and coordinate your flanking strategies to ensure maximum effectiveness.

By mastering Genji’s wall climb and double jump abilities, you can become a nimble and elusive menace on the battlefield. Use these mobility tools to outmaneuver your opponents, control the flow of engagements, and secure victory for your team. Remember, practice makes perfect, so hone your skills and embrace the agility that Genji brings to Overwatch 2.

Unleashing the Dragonblade

Genji’s Dragonblade can turn the tide of a battle in Overwatch 2 if used properly and strategically. As one of the most powerful ultimate abilities in the game, it is important to understand how to maximize its impact.

When activating Dragonblade, it is crucial to have a plan in mind. Rushing into the enemy team without coordination can often result in wasted potential. Instead, look for openings in the enemy’s defenses or engage after a teammate has initiated a fight. This will ensure that your Dragonblade strikes with maximum effectiveness.

When engaging with Dragonblade, focus on eliminating squishy targets such as supports and damage heroes. These heroes typically have lower health pools and can be quickly taken out by Genji’s swift strikes. However, be cautious of enemy tanks or heroes with crowd control abilities, as they can interrupt your ultimate and prevent you from securing kills.

During Dragonblade, make use of Genji’s other abilities to enhance your effectiveness. Swift Strike can be used to quickly close the distance to your target or escape danger if needed. Deflect can be used to block incoming damage and reflect it back at the enemy, potentially securing kills or providing damage mitigation during your ultimate.

Communication and coordination with your team are essential when using Dragonblade. Inform your teammates when you plan to activate your ultimate so they can provide support or create distractions to draw the enemy’s attention away from you. Combining Dragonblade with other team ultimates, such as Zarya’s Graviton Surge or Ana’s Nano Boost, can result in devastating team wipes.

In conclusion, mastering Genji’s Dragonblade in Overwatch 2 requires careful planning, target prioritization, and teamwork. By effectively utilizing your abilities, coordinating with your team, and choosing the right moments to strike, you can become a force to be reckoned with as Genji.

Mastering Shuriken Throwing

Genji’s shuriken throwing ability is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of situations in Overwatch 2. Whether you’re engaging in close-range skirmishes or engaging in long-range exchanges, mastering Genji’s Shuriken throwing is essential to maximizing your effectiveness in battle.

When it comes to close-range combat, Genji’s Shuriken can be unleashed in quick succession to burst down enemies. By rapidly throwing shurikens, you can quickly eliminate low-health targets or finish off weakened foes. This burst damage can be particularly useful when facing off against squishy characters, such as support heroes or damage-dealers with low health pools.

In addition to close-range encounters, Genji’s Shuriken can also be used effectively in long-range exchanges. By aiming carefully and predicting enemy movements, you can land precise shots from a distance. This can be especially advantageous when engaging enemies with high health pools or enemies who are positioned in hard-to-reach locations.

As a Genji player, it’s important to practice your aim and understand the projectile speed and trajectory of your shurikens. This will allow you to consistently hit your targets and maximize your damage output. Spend time in the practice range or in custom games to hone your aim and familiarize yourself with the shuriken’s characteristics.

Another important aspect of shuriken throwing is the ability to use alternate fire. Genji’s Shuriken can be thrown individually or in a fan formation, allowing you to hit multiple enemies at once or increase your chances of landing a hit on a specific target. Experiment with both throwing styles to determine which works best for different situations.

Remember, Genji’s shuriken throwing ability is just one aspect of his kit. It’s important to combine shuriken throwing with other abilities, such as Swift Strike, Deflect, and Dragonblade, to create effective and devastating combos. By mastering the timing and synergy between your abilities, you can become a formidable force on the battlefield.

In conclusion, mastering Genji’s shuriken throwing ability is essential for any player looking to excel with this hero in Overwatch 2. Whether you’re using it for close-range bursts or long-range exchanges, understanding the intricacies of shuriken throwing will allow you to maximize your impact in battle. So, take the time to practice your aim, experiment with different throwing styles, and be sure to combine shuriken throwing with your other abilities for devastating results.

The Art of Flanking

Genji excels at flanking maneuvers, making him a potent threat to the enemy team in Overwatch 2. His exceptional mobility allows him to quickly navigate the battlefield and strike from unexpected angles, disrupting the enemy’s plans and creating opportunities for his team to secure crucial kills. To master the art of flanking as Genji, here are some strategies and best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Choose the Right Moment:Timing is crucial when it comes to flanking. Wait for opportune moments when the enemy team is distracted or engaged with your teammates. This will allow you to catch them off guard and disrupt their formation.
  2. Communicate with Your Team:Flanking can be more effective when coordinated with your team. Let your teammates know your intentions and coordinate your attack with their engagement. This will maximize the chances of success and prevent you from being isolated and overwhelmed.
  3. Identify High-Value Targets:As a flanker, your main objective is to eliminate key enemy heroes, such as supports or damage-dealers, who are vulnerable and crucial to the enemy team’s success. Prioritize these targets to weaken the enemy’s overall effectiveness.
  4. Use Cover and Verticality:Genji’s wall climb and double jump allow for exceptional mobility and the ability to access high ground positions. Exploit these abilities to gain advantageous positions, take cover when necessary, and surprise enemies from unexpected angles.
  5. Maintain Awareness of Your Health:Being a flanker means you may find yourself isolated from your team at times. Pay close attention to your health bar and be prepared to retreat or find a health pack when necessary. Overextending can quickly turn a successful flank into a fatal mistake.

By mastering the art of flanking, Genji players can disrupt enemy strategies, control key areas of the map, and secure important eliminations. Remember to adapt your flanking strategies based on the enemy team composition and the flow of the game. With practice and a keen sense of timing, you can become a formidable force as Genji in Overwatch 2.

Knowing When to Bail

Understanding when to bail and having an exit plan is crucial for ensuring survival and success as a Genji player in Overwatch 2. While Genji’s agility and mobility allow him to maneuver through the battlefield with speed and finesse, it’s essential to recognize when a situation becomes too dangerous and it’s time to retreat.

As a Genji player, it’s important to constantly assess the situation and evaluate the risks. If you find yourself outnumbered or low on health, it’s wise to retreat and regroup with your team. Remember, a dead Genji can’t contribute to the fight, so it’s better to stay alive and come back stronger.

Having an exit plan is just as important as recognizing when to bail. Before engaging in a risky play or diving deep into enemy lines, consider possible escape routes and backup options. Look for health packs, teammates who can provide support, or environmental features like high ledges or walls that you can use to quickly retreat.

Communication with your team is essential when it comes to bailing out of a dangerous situation. Make sure you let your teammates know when you’re low on health or need assistance, so they can provide healing or cover fire. Good teamwork and coordination can mean the difference between a successful escape and an untimely demise.

Another aspect to consider is the enemy team’s composition and their ability to counter Genji. If you’re facing heroes with powerful crowd control or burst damage, it may be wise to retreat and reassess the situation. Genji excels at taking out low-mobility characters, but against certain heroes, it’s better to regroup and find a more favorable matchup.

Lastly, don’t let your ego get in the way. It’s easy to get caught up in the heat of battle and become overconfident in your abilities, but knowing your limits is crucial. Recognize when you’re being outplayed or overwhelmed, and don’t hesitate to bail out if necessary. It’s better to retreat and live to fight another day than to stubbornly press on and meet a swift defeat.

To become a master Genji player in Overwatch 2, it’s imperative to understand when to bail and have an exit plan in place. Survival and success depend on your ability to assess risks, communicate with your team, and make strategic retreats when needed. By mastering the art of knowing when to bail, you’ll be able to make smarter decisions and contribute more effectively to your team’s objectives.


By mastering the art of playing Genji in Overwatch 2, you can become a formidable force on the battlefield and contribute to your team’s success. Understanding Genji’s abilities is crucial, as they form the foundation of your gameplay.

Genji’s Swift Strike ability is your go-to tool for bursting down low-health targets. Use it wisely and efficiently to swiftly eliminate enemies and turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Another essential aspect of Genji’s gameplay is his Deflect ability. Utilize it strategically to block key projectiles and punish panicking enemies. It can be a game-changer in intense team fights.

When engaging in combat, always prioritize eliminating healers first. By taking out enemy healers, you disrupt the enemy’s support system and make it easier to dispatch the rest of the opposing team.

Genji’s exceptional mobility through wall climb and double jump allows you to stay agile and elusive, making yourself a difficult target to hit. Take advantage of this mobility to outmaneuver your opponents and secure crucial kills.

Your ultimate ability, Dragonblade, is a powerful weapon in your arsenal. Use it strategically to unleash devastating damage on squishy targets and turn the tide of battle in your team’s favor.

Master the art of shuriken throwing, as it can be used for both close-range bursts and long-range exchanges. Maximize the potential of this ability to deal significant damage to your enemies.

Genji excels as a flanker, using his mobility and quick strikes to catch enemies off guard. Take advantage of his strengths and utilize flanking strategies to create chaos and confusion among the enemy team.

Lastly, it is crucial to know when to bail and have an exit plan. Avoid unnecessary risks and retreat when necessary to regroup with your team and plan your next move.

By following these tips and strategies, you can become a master of Genji in Overwatch 2. So, hone your skills, practice diligently, and prepare to dominate the battlefield as the cyborg ninja!


Q: What abilities does Genji have in Overwatch 2?

A: Genji has several abilities including Swift Strike, Deflect, Dragonblade, and Shuriken throwing.

Q: How should I use Genji’s Swift Strike ability?

A: Swift Strike is best used to burst down low-health targets for quick eliminations.

Q: What is the purpose of Genji’s Deflect ability?

A: Deflect can block projectiles and punish panicking enemies, making it a versatile defensive and offensive tool.

Q: Should I prioritize eliminating healers as Genji?

A: Yes, eliminating enemy healers first can make it easier to take out the rest of the enemy team.

Q: How can I make the most out of Genji’s mobility with wall climb and double jump?

A: Utilize wall climb and double jump to stay mobile and harder to hit, allowing you to maneuver around the battlefield more effectively.

Q: How can I effectively use Genji’s ultimate ability, Dragonblade?

A: Dragonblade is powerful for killing squishy targets, so use it strategically to maximize its impact during team fights.

Q: How should I use Genji’s shuriken throwing ability?

A: Shuriken throwing can be used for close-range bursts or long-range exchanges, depending on the situation.

Q: How can I effectively flank as Genji?

A: Genji is a strong pick for flanking and is particularly effective against low-mobility characters. Utilize his mobility and surprise the enemy from unexpected angles.

Q: When should I retreat and have an exit plan as Genji?

A: Knowing when to bail and having an exit plan is crucial for risky plays. Recognize when the situation is not in your favor and retreat to safety.

Mastering the Game: How to Play Genji Overwatch 2 Guide | Techcritix (1)

Sumeet Bhandari


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Mastering the Game: How to Play Genji Overwatch 2 Guide | Techcritix (2024)


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