Hibiscus Flower – Meaning, Symbolism and Colors (2024)

Flower symbolism dates back hundreds of years. Flowers were important symbols in the past and people used them to express their deepest desires, feelings and thoughts. Looking at paintings and reading poems gives us an idea how important the flowers were. We can see them as symbols of human struggle but also as symbols of extreme happiness and joy that takes over our hearts, for example, when we are in love.

Ancient cultures used flowers as decoration for important ceremonies and used them as gifts for the ones they loved the most. Flowers were always a big part of our lives no matter what the occasion was.

We still use flowers for the same causes, but we definitely learned a lot from our ancestors and their stories. Some of the meanings that are alive today and linked to certain flower species date back hundreds of years and are created by cultures that lived near these flower species and learned from them.

In today’s text we are going to learn more about the Hibiscus flower and the secret symbolism behind his beautiful flower. This eye-catching flower is very popular and grown around the world, with many beautiful colors and shapes. So, if you ever wanted to learn more about the Hibiscus flower and its symbolism, here is an opportunity to do that.

Meaning of the Hibiscus Flower

Flowers have many symbolic meanings and almost all of them are based on stories and myths created by ancient cultures a long time ago. Some of the flower symbolism and meaning was also created by the modern society, but there are many stories that are not based on anything you ever heard of. Meaning of a flower can be really helpful when you are choosing the right flower to gift to someone you love or like. It is important to adapt the meaning of a flower in order to send the right message to the specific person. There are several meanings to the Hibiscus flower and they are:


  • The Hibiscus flower represents feminine energy and everything that is female related. These flowers are true symbols of female energy and they are usually gifted to females no matter what your relationship with this person is. Hibiscus flowers are going to be perfect examples of feminine beauty and charm that every woman possess and expresses in a personal way.


  • Hibiscus flower is also a symbol of beauty and charm. This gorgeous flower is a perfect gift for someone who you consider to be worthy of its beauty and delicate nature. No matter what age the woman you are gifting this flower is, it is going to be a perfect statement that she is beautiful and worthy of your adoration.


  • The Hibiscus flower is also considered to be a representation of glory especially in the Victorian era. This flower was gifted to people who were considered worthy of it and not everybody was able to get this flower as a gift. Only the ones who were considered the best and the most beautiful were worthy enough of this gorgeous flower.

Hibiscus Flower – Meaning, Symbolism and Colors (1)

Hibiscus Flower – Etymological meaning

The name Hibiscus is certainly interesting and we can already guess it comes from a word that is ancient. The name Hibiscus comes from the Greek word “hibiskos” which means marshmallow.

This flower was named by Pedanius Dioscorides who was the author of the De Materia Medica. He wasn’t just a botanist but he was also a doctor for the Roman army which makes the origin of the name of this flower even more interesting.

Hibiscus Flower – Symbolism

The symbolism of the hibiscus flower is very rich and interesting. It was created by cultures that lived nearby and enjoyed the beauty of these flowers daily. The Hibiscus flower was a symbol of glory for the ancient Victorians and this beautiful flower could only have been given to the ones who were worthy of that beauty. Besides being the symbol of glory, the Hibiscus flower was also a symbol of a perfect wife or romantic partner. The North Americans were the ones who gifted the Hibiscus flowers to the women who were worthy enough of their beauty and uniqueness. In China, this beautiful flower is a symbol of fleeting and charm that doesn’t pass. This gorgeous flower is a common gift for both men and women.

Hibiscus is a perennial plant originating from the Far East, which is grown throughout the world as an indoor plant, and in many parts of the tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean climates and in gardens. The flowers are red, pink, orange, yellow and white, and in unusual combinations and shades of these colors. It is often called mint or Chinese rose, and has distinctive meanings in various cultures.

It is believed that the hibiscus brought Europe biologists from Asia in 1731. In the Victorian era in Europe, the hibiscus was a decorative detail on jewelry and clothing. At that time, the hibiscus symbolizes sophisticated beauty, which was probably related to the sunny and delicate conditions under which this plant flourishes. Today sophisticated beauty is often the meaning of a hibiscus when its flower is used in arrangements or gifts.

Hibiscus is common on Pacific Islands, and the yellow flower of the hibiscus is on the state flag of Hawaii. The hibiscus flower is given to state officials and tourists like a necklace or a wreath, and is a welcome sign. Girls wear a red hibiscus flower behind the ear. If the flower behind the left ear means that the girl is free and behind the right it is not. A girl with a flower behind both ears wants to convey a message to have a lover, but to look for another. The hibiscus flower is also often found to be a tribal dad and means power and respect.

In Japanese, the name of the hibiscus means gentle. The hibiscus flower is given as a welcome to the visitor and represents a social custom in Japan. For the Chinese, the hibiscus or Chinese rose has different meanings. Some associate him with wealth and fame, and some of his gentle flower connects with a young girl.

Hibiscus Flower – Color meaning

Color of the flower can have a significant meaning and add a lot to the symbolism. Sometimes the color gives the flower a completely different meaning than the original symbolism it already have.

Some flowers have many different colors while others are not so versatile. The Hibiscus flower has several beautiful and bright colors, and they are:


  • The white Hibiscus represents female energy, beauty and purity. This beautiful flower can be a perfect gift for someone you like and you want to see this person smiling. This beautiful flower is going to tell the person you are gifting it to that he or she is beautiful just like the marvelous Hibiscus.


  • Color purple symbolizes mystery, higher class and knowledge. This color is meant for the people who are special and extravagant in their own way. Color purple sends a strong message to the person you are giving this flower to and tell that person that he or she is extraordinary in its own way.


  • The pink Hibiscus flower is a symbol of friendship and many kinds of love. The color pink doesn’t only represent the love we feel towards our partner, this color also represents the love we have for our friends, family members and all other people. This beautiful color is going to send a gentle message to the person you love and it will perfectly express everything you are feeling.


  • Red symbolizes passion, love and romance. This flower color is perfect for telling your partner how much you actually care and how passionate you are about your relationship. The red Hibiscus can be a perfect option for Valentine’s Day; especially if you want to gift something new to the person you love.


  • Yellow symbolizes friendship and family relations. This color is also a symbol of happiness, joy and everything that is filled with optimism. You can gift this flower color to almost anyone because it won’t send a wrong message to the person you care about.

Hibiscus Flower – Botanical facts and characteristics

In the northern hemisphere, we can enjoy tropical plants if we cultivate them as herbs. One of the wonderful plants that can be grown is home-made hibiscus. However, the hibiscus does not have to be cultivated as an indoor plant only in cold areas, but also in the warmer ones. Like all other indoor flowerbeds, home-made hibiscus requires only a few things to remember if you want your hibiscus to flourish and bloom in the house. Below we will reveal tricks for you to become a hibiscus breeding expert.

We all know how much plants can decorate the home and create an environment in which we will feel good. Research has shown that raising herbs is a very good thing for some obvious and less obvious reasons.

Room plants purify air in the house by filtering dust and absorb air pollution. The plants are sound barriers, they absorb sound waves and reduce the amount of noise. Plants increase air humidity and are great for flats with central heating and air conditioning. Room plants reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and increase the amount of oxygen in the air. Plants act as an insulation that warms up the house during the winter and cools the flights. It has been proven that plants improve mood, make us feel smarter and more optimistic. If you have a sick person in the house, it will recover faster if it is surrounded by indoor plants. Recent research shows that room plants in the workplace improve creativity and productivity.

On all this, add that the prize for growing home plants will be great, colorful and bright flowers. If it matters to you, make sure you start cultivating home hibiscus, only carefully – you can become addicted and start cultivating the hibiscus around the house or apartment.

Planting hibiscus is simple. A well-spaced plant in a jar should be planted in a pot size of at least 25 cm in diameter. Each flowerpot will be ordered up to 50 cm in order to develop a large plant. For the planting of the hibiscus, use the earth for the flowers (humus). You can buy it in bigger markets. For better growth, add a few fingers of sand.

In artificial, home-grown conditions, the hibiscus will need additional nutrition to give the plant the necessary glucose and proteins so that it can grow and bloom. There are basic things you need to cultivate healthy and beautiful plants.

Good fertilizer for hibiscus, which contains all nutrients and as little pollutants as possible. A little less nitrogen to prevent pests that love nitrogen and make the plant more beautiful. A lot of potassium, because of the stronger and woody stems, more pigments and because of the larger flowers. A lot of magnesium and iron, in order to maintain a balance with potassium and to produce many chlorophyll plants. Growth enhancers, so that plants survive with less light and moisture than in their natural conditions. Protecting the soil, so that the root remains perfectly healthy and in order to prevent pests.

The home-made hibiscus works best when it receives fewer quantities of all the nutrients listed, and it would be ideal to add a little with each watering. There are also special formulas, just ask for an agricultural pharmacy. These formulas contain everything that is needed in one bottle, in order to fulfill the nutritional needs of the hibiscus. Just dilute the water in the required ratio and water regularly your hibiscus.

As for people and pets, and for plants, hygiene is important. The dust that is filtered by the hibiscus from the air is kept on the leaves and in the corners, thus creating a fertile soil for the pest that simply admires the hibiscus – mites. The best way to protect your home hibiscus from mites is to keep it clean. Just wiping dust is not of great help, because the dust just goes up, it stays in the air, and eventually, for the rest of the day, it gets stuck on the leaves again. That’s why washing is the best.

You can literally put a hibiscus flower pot in the sink, sink or under the shower, and dry the whole plant with lukewarm water. Sprinkle it on the leaves and below them to reach all the places between the stems and twigs. Feel free to spray the jet into the ground, and wash the pot and the outside. Wait until it dries and it’s almost hygienic. If you prefer, use milder products, such as horticulture oil, and spray hibiscus with them. This oil is good because it does not have to wash, and the plant will remain brilliant and clean. Try to wash your hibiscus at least once a month. If you notice mites, wash the room hibiscus bar at least twice a week for three weeks to destroy the mites, and then wash the plant once a week.

If the room hibiscus does not have direct sunlight, it will grow nicely, but will not have flowers. It will have shiny, dark green, noticeable leaves and will remain quite healthy and strong if you do not hold it on the window where it will get plenty of sunshine. However, if you want flowers, you will have to put it in a place where there is at least a little sun every day.

As well as a hibiscus that grows outdoors, for room hibiscus you will need plenty of water when it’s warm and much less water during colder months. When watering the hibiscus, water it until you see that the water begins to leak to the point below the pots, but after 12 hours the soil should absorb that water from the flask. If twelve hours after watering, notice the water in the tray below the flowerpot, then spill it.

The hibiscus can be completely faded if it is “floated” in the water. The root of the hibiscus requires air and water prevents it from reaching the air. In the soil that easily turns into mud, it will easily come to the fungal root infections, and many waters will turn the best soil for the flowers into mud.

Hibiscus Flower – Secret message

Ancient cultures used flowers as decoration for important ceremonies and used them as gifts for the ones they loved the most. Flowers were always a big part of our lives no matter what the occasion was.

We still use flowers for the same causes, but we definitely learned a lot from our ancestors and their stories. Just like every flower has its symbolical meaning, it also has a secret message just for you. The secret message behind the Hibiscus flower is to always enjoy life to the fullest because you never know how much time you have left.

Hibiscus Flower – Meaning, Symbolism and Colors (2024)


What do the colors of hibiscus flowers mean? ›

Originally Answered: What does the hibiscus plant symbolize? Yellow hibiscus is often associated with happiness, sunshine, and good luck! Red hibiscus is a symbol of love and passion. Pink hibiscus stands for friendship and all different kinds of love – not just romantic!

What does 🌺 symbolize? ›

The 🌺 emoji represents all things beautiful.

The voluminous and vibrant petals of the hibiscus are magnificent, making a 🌺 the perfect emoji to send to someone just as beautiful.

What is the spiritual meaning of the hibiscus flower? ›

In Hinduism, the hibiscus is often associated with the goddess Kali, representing transformation and regeneration. In Hawaiian culture, the hibiscus is the state flower and symbolizes beauty, hospitality, and respect. This symbolism forms the foundation for its spiritual applications.

What does the hibiscus symbolize in the Bible? ›

In the Bible, the Rose of Sharon represents beauty, and is used to describe the beauty of King Solomon's lover in the book of Song of Solomon. Nowadays, rose of Sharon symbolizes love, beauty and healing to Jews and Christians. Some see rose of Sharon as a symbol for Christ.

What is the rarest hibiscus colour? ›

'Misty Pink': this variety of almond hibiscus is extremely rare. The flowers are delicate pink and turn red towards the centre. 'Double': this multi-stemmed shrub bears double flowers 15 centimetres in diameter and can also be grown as a standard tree. The flower colour changes from white to pink to red.

What is the rare color of hibiscus? ›

Blue Bird, also known as Hibiscus Syriacus, is a unique and compact hibiscus that produces bluish-purple flowers.

Which flower is 🌼? ›

🌼 Daisy: The daisy emoji is often associated with innocence, purity and simplicity.

What does 💕 mean from a girl? ›

A 💕 can be used to show affection, especially if someone's just started a relationship. Someone may add this emoji to the end of a message if they feel their love is reciprocated. X Research source. “Can't believe it's only been 2 months💕” “You know I'm always here for you💕”

What does 💞 mean from a girl to a guy? ›

It's also used to show mutual love or affection between two people, as if the two hearts are moving around the love between the two people. My boyfriend has been absolutely amazing since we've had Hayden 😍💞

What does blue hibiscus symbolize? ›

Hibiscus represents fertility and glory. Blue hibiscus is a very beautiful flowers but its beauty isn't just skin deep as it goes beyond. The flower celebrates depth and serenity.

What does the purple hibiscus flower mean spiritually? ›

Aunty Ifeoma's purple hibiscus represents the family's freedom from Papa's violence and oppression. The Achikes' yard in Enugu is filled with red hibiscus, which are more common, yet their abundance is a sign of the family's status.

What does the blue hibiscus mean? ›

Blue hibiscus represents fertility. The color symbolizes depth, infinity, serenity, the flower is inspired by love. #flower meanings#language of flowers#hibiscus#blue hibiscus#flower#blue.

What is God's favorite flower in the Bible? ›

Traditionally, these are the lilies of field to which Jesus compares Solomon in all his glory (Matt 6:28, Luke 12:27). According to Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, as quoted here, . . .

What does hibiscus mean in death? ›

Hibiscus flowers are brightly colored and feminine, and for this reason they are often used at funerals for a beloved mother, sister, daughter, or wife. They symbolize femininity, a quiet strength, and a delicate beauty.

What is the flower for Jesus? ›

The Passion Flower. – John S. Stokes Jr. The Passion Flower with its various parts is seen as a symbols of Jesus' scourging, crowning with thorns and crucifixion.

What is the color code for hibiscus flower? ›

#CC3168 Hex Color | RGB: 204, 49, 104 | HIBISCUS, RED.

What are the Colours of hibiscus indicator? ›

Hibiscus paper is an indicator made from the petals of hibiscus flower. It changes colour from blue to red in an acidic solution.

Which colour hibiscus is good? ›

The vibrant red hibiscus flowers have more to offer than their eye-soothing appearance. The beauty of this flower is credited to anthocyanin pigments. This pigment in hibiscus is responsible for the beautiful red colour.


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