February Birth Flowers: Violets and Primroses (2024)

With Valentine’s Day in February, it may come as a surprise that the red rose is not the birth flower. Think about the tiny flowers that brighten the winter months. Learn all about violets and primroses from their meaning to growing tips for thegarden.

What Are the February BirthFlowers?

The February birth month flowers are violetsand primroses.

Not many flowers bloom in February (certainly not traditional roses, which are at their best in June).


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However, the tiny woodland plants of February appear as purple, colorful slippers on the landscape. Wild violets show off their purple-blue petals and heart-shaped leaves in the coldest months! Primroses, a small perennial woodland plant, also bloom inwintertime.

February Birth Flowers: Violets and Primroses (1)


The violet is one of the earliest blooming plants in the spring. Violets typically have heart-shaped leaves and asymmetrical flowers that vary in color. Many are violet, as their name suggests, while others are blue, yellow, white, and cream. Some are even bicolored, often blue andyellow.

Native to Europe and Asia, the violet is indigenous to temperate regions in the Northern Hemisphere. Violets (Viola) are a genus of the Violaceae family. There are more than 400 species of violets in thegenus.

Violet Meanings andSymbolism

The violet has been thought to symbolize modesty, faithfulness, everlasting love, innocence, andremembrance.

In the Victorian age, a gift of violets was a declaration always to be true. It still serves as a reminder of loyalty, thoughtfulness, and dependability.Give a violet to someone to let them know you’ll always be there forthem!

In Christianity, the violet flower symbolizes the Virgin Mary’s humility. It is believed that the flowers blossomed when the angel Gabriel told Mary that Jesus would be herbaby.

In religious art, violets are often portrayed as a symbol of modesty andhumbleness.

In Renaissance-era paintings, the Virgin Mary is often seen with baby Jesus in her arms with purple flowers, a symbolic reference to hermodesty.

When presented as a flower, each color has its own meaning: yellow symbolizes high worth, white is for innocence and purity, purple means truth and loyalty, and blue is for faithfulness anddevotion.

The Violet inHistory

The common name “Violet” is derived from the Latin viola, which means “violet flower” or “violetcolor.”

The Ancient Greeks considered the violet a symbol of fertility and love, using it in lovepotions.

Greeks and Romans used the flower for things like herbal remedies, wine, funeral decorations, and sweetening food. Persians used violets as a calming agent against anger andheadaches.

In the Middle Ages, Monks were said to have called them the “Herb of the Trinity” because of their three primary colors—purple, yellow, andgreen.

In Victorian times, the violet was symbolic of humility and fortune. Some believed that carrying violets might keep evil spirits at bay, while another tradition said that wearing violets on your head would alleviateinebriation.

The violet is the state flower of New Jersey, Rhode Island, Illinois, andWisconsin.

Most violets are edible and have certain medicinal properties, increasing their use. Violets contain salicylic acid, which is a chief ingredient in aspirin. Certain forms of violets, therefore, were used as painrelievers.

Violets in theGarden

Violets grow well in the front of borders, in garden beds, and in containers. Depending on where you live, you’re most likely to see wild violets pop up in your garden, but they can also be planted or started fromseed.

Many violets are best grown in a woodland-type setting using rich, organic soils. While violets are tough in terms of their cold tolerance, they are neither drought-tolerant norheat-tolerant.

Make sure violets have consistent moisture, especially in warmer months. When growing in containers, choose a well-drained potting mix. Using a slow-release fertilizer will help encourage continuousblooms.

Although violets tolerate various light conditions, most will grow best in full sun to partial shade. In warmer climates, plant violets in areas that receive afternoon shade to help keep plants cool in the summermonths.

The best time to plant violets is early spring. Use mulch liberally to help keep roots cooler for a longer period of time. Violets only need a moderate amount of water, so aim for consistent moisture, but avoidover-watering.

Violets are also host plants for the mining bee—a specialist pollinator common to the Eastern U.S. that only visits violets—and attract various pollinators, including bees andhummingbirds.

February Birth Flowers: Violets and Primroses (2)


With European origins, the primrose is part of the Primula genus, which contains more than 500 species, although it is not a member of the rose family. It is, however, one of the first blooming flowers in thespring.

Primrose Meanings andSymbolism

The ancient Celts were thought to believe that large patches of primrose flowers were a gateway to the fairyrealm.

It was once believed that if you ate a primrose, you would see afairy.

An ancient belief centered around the ability of a primrose to ward off evil spirits. It is also thought to provide protection, safety, andlove.

In some cultures, it was thought that a primrose symbolized a woman, with each petal representing a different stage of a woman’slife.

In the Victorian era, a gift of primroses meant young love, while in the language of flowers, it says, “I can’t live withoutyou.”

Primrose has meaning in Norse mythology as a symbol for the goddess of love,Freya.

It was once believed that rubbing primroses on the udder of a milking cow would increase milk production and protect butter from beingstolen.

The Primrose inHistory

The genus name, Primula, is derived from the Latin word primus, meaning first, in reference to its early springappearance.

In their native Europe, primrose has been long associated with its medicinal and culinary uses. In folk medicine, it was used to treat headaches, cramps, spasms, rheumatism, andgout.

In Irish folklore, a primrose leaf rubbed on a tooth for two minutes would relieve atoothache.

Although primrose is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses, it is edible for humans. The leaves and flowers can be eaten cooked or raw or used as an herb orgarnish.

Primrose can also be used to make wine andsyrup.

April 19th is Primrose Day in England to honor the country’s former Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. Each year, visitors to Westminster Abbey lay the flowers at hisstatue.

Shakespeare’s writing included a number of references to the primrose. In “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” he wrote of young lovers meeting “on primrose beds.” In Hamlet, Shakespeare coined “the primrose path of dalliance,” describing an easy path that leads todestruction.

Primrose in theGarden

The primrose is ideal for front borders, garden beds, and edging for paths and walkways. It is also a great addition to shade and rockgardens.

It is one of the earliest blooming flowers in the spring, and its flowers may appear white, yellow, pink, red, or violet. One consistent thing is the center of a primrose bloom is almost alwaysyellow.

The primrose is intolerant of full sun. It prefers cool and shaded areas with fast-draining, moist soil and an abundance of organic matter. They thrive with morning sun and shade from the hot afternoonsun.

These perennials are relatively easy to maintain indoors in the winter, meaning they’re ready to transplant outdoors after the last hardfrost.

Primrose foliage forms a rosette that grows close to the ground, so be sure not to bury the crown, or it will rot. They have shallow roots, so abrupt temperature changes can harm them. It is best to mulch to even out the temperature and retain moisture, but be sure not to place mulch on top of thecrown.

Primroses do not like to be dry, but be sure not to overwater. An even watering isbest.


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February Birth Flowers: Violets and Primroses

The February birth month flowers are violets and primroses. While traditional roses are at their best in June, violets and primroses brighten the winter months with their colorful presence. Violets typically have heart-shaped leaves and asymmetrical flowers that vary in color, including violet, blue, yellow, white, and cream. Primroses, on the other hand, are part of the Primula genus and are one of the first blooming flowers in the spring. They come in various colors such as white, yellow, pink, red, or violet, with the center of the bloom almost always being yellow.

Violet Meanings and Symbolism

Violets have been thought to symbolize modesty, faithfulness, everlasting love, innocence, and remembrance. In the Victorian age, a gift of violets was a declaration always to be true. The violet also holds significance in Christianity, symbolizing the Virgin Mary’s humility. Different colors of violets carry their own meanings, with yellow symbolizing high worth, white for innocence and purity, purple for truth and loyalty, and blue for faithfulness and devotion. The violet has a rich history, with ancient Greeks considering it a symbol of fertility and love, and Persians using violets as a calming agent against anger and headaches.

Violets in the Garden

Violets grow well in the front of borders, garden beds, and containers. They are best grown in a woodland-type setting using rich, organic soils. While violets are tough in terms of their cold tolerance, they require consistent moisture, especially in warmer months. Violets are also host plants for the mining bee and attract various pollinators, including bees and hummingbirds.

Primrose Meanings and Symbolism

The ancient Celts believed that large patches of primrose flowers were a gateway to the fairy realm. Primroses were also thought to symbolize protection, safety, and love. In Norse mythology, the primrose has meaning as a symbol for the goddess of love, Freya. It was once believed that rubbing primroses on the udder of a milking cow would increase milk production and protect butter from being stolen.

Primrose in the Garden

Primroses are ideal for front borders, garden beds, and edging for paths and walkways. They prefer cool and shaded areas with fast-draining, moist soil and an abundance of organic matter. Primroses are intolerant of full sun and thrive with morning sun and shade from the hot afternoon sun. They are relatively easy to maintain indoors in the winter and can be transplanted outdoors after the last hard frost.


In summary, violets and primroses are the February birth month flowers, each with its own rich meanings, symbolism, and historical significance. Both flowers add vibrant colors and beauty to the winter and early spring landscapes, making them a delightful choice for celebrating February birthdays or simply brightening up gardens and homes.

February Birth Flowers: Violets and Primroses (2024)


February Birth Flowers: Violets and Primroses? ›

February has three birth flowers: violets, irises and primroses. Violets carry a number of meanings, including innocence, modesty, faithfulness and love. Primoses represent young love and affection, while irises signify wisdom, trust and admiration.

Is February birth flower a violet or primrose? ›

If you have a February baby, her birth flowers are the wild violet and the enchanting primrose.

What is the meaning of the flower violet and primrose? ›

Violets and Primroses are the February birth month flowers. These purple-hued blooms are a symbol of modesty, faithfulness, and virtue. In the Victorian era, a gift of Violets or Primroses was a declaration of love.

What does the primrose flower mean in February? ›

The secondary February birth month flower, the primrose is one of the first spring flowers to bloom, and symbolizes innocence, youth, and new beginnings. In floriography, the primrose is a declaration of deep love, specifically stating “I can't live without you” to the recipient.

What is the flower for February violets? ›

Common blue violets

Native to eastern North America, these blue-purple-toned violets can mean humility, modesty, and innocence, much like how purple violets imply the purity of the Virgin Mary. They also mean loyalty, so you could also gift these February birth flowers to someone you're committed to.

Why does February have two birth flowers? ›

Why Are There Two Birth Flowers in February? The tradition of having two birth flowers in February, as in many other months, provides a greater variety and choice for individuals to associate with their birth month. This allows for a richer and more personalized connection to the flowers that represent them.

What do violets symbolize? ›

The violet can signify "Modesty" and "Humility" and is often looked upon as a sign of innocence. Bunches of violets were hence used as gifts for newlyweds. Violets are symbolic of faith, mystical awareness, inspiration, spiritual passion, profuseness and sovereignty.

What does primrose mean spiritually? ›

Beyond the myths, the primrose resonates on a spiritual level, symbolizing the ephemeral nature of life with its short-lived blooms. It's a plant that doesn't just grow; it tells a story of fleeting beauty, inviting reflection on the transient yet impactful moments that define our existence.

What is a February birth flower tattoo? ›

February birth flower tattoo

A month of love, it's no surprise that the violet is a symbol of fertility, while the primrose sends the message "I can't live without you." The iris, also a purple flower, shares meaning with hope and trust, as well as being the Greek goddess of the rainbow.

What does the flower violet mean in the Bible? ›

The Meaning of the Violet

Devotion: Beginning with a bit of Christian symbolism, Viola odorata translates to “Our Lady of Modesty,” which officially associates the violet with Mary's humble nature and devotion in the Christian tradition.

What is my birth flower if I was born in February? ›

February birthdays are represented by violets or irises, flowers that suggest loyalty and faithfulness. The three upright petals of an iris bloom can indicate courage, faith and wisdom, or friendship, hope and compliments. These 'Tall Dutch' irises come in a mix of vibrant colors.

What does the violet flower mean in LGBT? ›

Possibly one of the oldest queer symbols, violets have been linked to lesbian love for over two and a half thousand years – as long as the very origins of the word. The poet Sappho lived on the Greek island of Lesbos in the 6th century BCE and is celebrated as one of the greatest lyric poets of her time.

What does primrose mean as a name? ›

Meaning:First rose. Primrose is a feminine name of British origin, meaning “first rose.” This is a 19th-century name for a beautiful pale yellow flower that blooms in early in spring, making it a befitting moniker for baby born in the springtime.

What is the purple flower for depression? ›

Lavender flowers are the herbal material used for the following indications: relief of mild symptoms of mental stress and exhaustion, and to aid sleep according to the European Medicines Agency monograph on lavender [32]. These approved therapeutic indications are based on traditional use.

What is the official flower of February? ›

The February birth flowers are the violet and primrose. Violets (Viola) are known for their delicate appearance and sweet fragrance.

What is the birth flower for Aquarius? ›

Aquarius, free-spirited and eccentric, your birth flower is the orchid.

Are violet and primrose the same? ›

While the Violet has a more dramatic look, the Primrose is a fun, candy-colored bloom commonly associated with Spring. While the Primrose isn't pastel-colored like other spring flowers, it stands out from the bunch.

What are the flower colors for February? ›

Yes, February has two special birth month flowers: violets and irises. These flowers are chosen to represent people born in February. Violets are known for their delicate beauty and fragrance, while irises come in various colours and have unique shapes. Both flowers make February birthdays extra special.

Is primrose the same as African violet? ›

The DNA studies of the 1990's frequently compared the African violet to a closely related plant, the African Primrose or genus Streptocarpus. In fact, African violets were found by DNA comparisons to be very closely related to the subgenus Streptocarpella within genus Streptocarpus.


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